Probably should have bought the Syntakt


Also, Syntakt has 9 knobs for dialing in a sound, M:C just 7.

I love it! It hasn’t been the most seamless integration, but I’ve been kinda surprised at how I’ve been able to get some functionality out of this thing in less then the month that i’ve had it. I mainly use it as a live looper. And for that, it’s priceless. I personally would never sell my DT. I mean, yes, the OT can do most things the DT can (but not all) and i think it’s just great for me to have a dedicated sampling drum machine that i use just for that purpose. As for project management IDK dude, I’m still trying to figure that out.

Ohh. Response came one day late. Couldn’t resist GAS. Have to save up again for the OT then…


ummmmmmmm Yeah dude I don’t think you’re going to have any complaints with that!!!

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You can’t really. On a M:C, the tracks just send out single notes MIDI data, that’s it.

On a ST, you can convert a track to a dedicated MIDI track and sequence 8 user defined CC values of your liking + PB, AT, MW and BC. Next to that you can add chords (max 4 notes) and send Program Change messages.


This is a very good advice to this M:C loving newby (3 months hardly, first synth, getting the hang of it, addictive) that is drooling over the Syntakt. First become an M:C master…

Thx for limiting my indulgence :wink:

PS One Q though: when the moment comes, would my growing knowledge/routine the M:C workflow be helpful by learning the Syntakt or is another (steep) curve?

Note: I’m not a DAW person, record stuff on garageband with as little post production as possible.

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…as mentioned here before, don’t u worry…

that swedish stepsequencer plocking concept is the essential and same part in all of them…
so, whenever u raise ur swedish hw game, it’s most basic functions are already waiting there for u…

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On paper, the Syntakt is obviously the Deluxe Model:Cycles crossed with the sounds of the Analog Rytm. In practice, what I do on the Syntakt is very different from what I used to do on the Model:Cycles (more polished, less raw, which is not necessarily a good thing depending on your style). But sure, it’s a damn fine drum machine and more.

Definitely not a problem to have both! Even though they share 6 of the machines, they sound completely different on each device due to the available headroom. The workflow is immensely different as well. The Cycles has machine lock per step and you can use Control All on the Machine for insane improv fun. The Syntakt has Trig Preview, which in my opinion is essential for per step sound design, and of course the analog machines - which sound REALLY good.

I create entirely different material on each and I think that makes worth it to have both. I use the Cycles for single pattern improv stuff while I create full tracks on the Syntakt.

Of course, I also have the DT and DN so going down this road could get expensive =P


No way! Feature request for ST!

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Yeah cycles is just one of those, not gonna sell it devices for me. Part of me thinks it is actually the best elektron design, distilled down to a quick useful quirky set of tools.


Ever since the Syntakt came out, I thought I would eventually replace my Model:Cycles with one. What I ended up doing, however, was getting a Digitone instead, and keeping the Cycles as a dedicated drum machine companion to it.

Maybe I’ll still replace it with a Syntakt someday, but I’m really glad I took the multi– device path first.


The Ctrl all for the machines is a total game changer when it comes to crazy improv stuff. I’m genuinely shocked that the ST doesn’t have it.


Oh wow, didn’t know about that. Sounds incredible - if anyone has demos of that feature, I would be really interested.

I guess it’s harder to implement on Syntakt since it also has analog machines and thus would be too demanding. They would then have to limit it to digital machines, which would run against the nature of control all and make it a bit more complicated.

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Are you sure about that?

I think it has ctrl all but not machine lock per step

It does seem to be a lesser known feature, I actually discovered it by accident. I wasn’t able to find a YT demo of it either. Basically, it works the same on the DT where you hold Track while scrolling through the Sample menu and it will assign all tracks to the same sample. On the M:C if you hold Track while scrolling through the Machine menu it will (if you scroll long enough) assign all tracks to the same machine. I find this feature to be immensely useful in improv jams.

I have the ST as well and can confirm this doesn’t work on the ST. Holding Track while scrolling through the Machine menu does nothing, kind of sad really. It’s probably due to the Analog/Digital Machine options available.


Great tip! Thx

I dare to differ :wink: I love the ‘Dieter Rams from Braun meets medical equipment’ look and the silent buttons and clear sequence lights a lot. Although I might fall for the ST in the future, still exploring the M:C from ambient to polyrhytm. The weight, sturdiness and portablity with powerbank is another thing. Train, beach, camping… Connect with JBL Extreme and headphone… Wow.


Did this after MC release. :content:


And sometimes I paint my gear in black. (These were yellow and grey).


Plocking Machine type should be technically possible, as Soundlocks are possible (as long as you choose the right machine type, Digital or Analog).

Model Cycle manual :