Pushing around the internet

Ever log onto the www in the morning and push around the internet at breakfast and realize you aren’t actually reading anything that interests you but are just a slave to the habit?

Every morning I jump from one synth forum to another, over to Drudge Report, down to BBC, a quickie at Skynews, a few minutes on Hot or Not, then cycle through them all again…and again…and again… wondering what I am looking for or maybe more accurately what I am avoiding?

It feels like I’m pushing slop with a dirty mop from one end of the room to the other.


Procrastination. I can relate. But indeed it is a waste of time. And as soon as I touch an instrument or do something else more worthy I don’t even think about mindlessly browsing.

Certainly something to be more mindful off and get rid of. It’s a strange habit and it’s easy to lose half an hour or more in the morning when waking up while sipping coffee


Inspiring string of words right here.

Perhaps placing a small synth, or a guitar, or a Melodica where the phone/www access device normally sits and starting with it each morning would be a good exercise?

FYI - answering this thread on my phone, as I’m waking up and sipping coffee.


Some mornings I don’t look at any device until after breakfast or closer to when I have to leave the house and do something which seems to help or better I go turn on my digitakt for a few minutes before taking a shower which sets a better mood for the day.


Yeah that certainly helps. We have a piano in the living room so lately I’ve been spending half an hour each morning playing piano rather than pushing the slop. (great description by the way @onthebannedwagon :P)

But still, some mornings one slips into that mop mentality (hehe :wink: )


I do it all the time.
I’ll search for a new pair of headphones and half hour later I’m reading about the health benefits of cranberry’s for no apparent reason.
And in between I’m checking all the sites I regularly visit multiple times.

Although I tend to do it more at work when killing time


If all of our devices were cloud sync’d with a one hour total personal time allotment each day of mop-N-slop time… what would be the priority(s)?

(Work usage not included, but no cheating at work)

Edit - obviously a good chuck of mine would be burned up asking stupid questions on the interwebs…

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Actually, I have this Shangri-La type fantasy where I am living in a small cabin with enough land to grow most my food and the nearest town is a 30min bike ride which only has some coffee shop, small grocery/hardware store and for some unexplained reason the area only 2 hrs of internet service a day, always at the same hour something like 3-5pm. If that were the case I’d probably spend that time actually getting answers to technical things and certainly not spend those precious minutes by starting threads like this, well, maybe I shouldn’t get ahead of myself…


I’m glad you posted here as I keep on forgetting to take your cheat sheet to be laminated…maybe today is the day!

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I can easily waste more than 30 minutes before I even get any coffee


After leaving FB it has gotten better but there is still a long way to go.
Usually it’s just a quick glance on Elektronauts and YT to see if something special is happening.

It’s a habit that’s hard to kick but it’s surely worth the effort.

Having this combo within reach of the bed helps.


Well habit aside I use enjoy mopping the internet now it’s not that much different than eating my cereal watching re-runs of Sanford and Sons.

Which one makes you laugh more?

The ones where the old man feigns having a heart attack and calls out for his dead wife.

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I am terribly guilty of this.

I recently started taking a Rubiks Cube around with me so there is something for my hands to do rather than do pointless phone reading.

It’s probably the best argument for getting a M8 Tracker.

I got a TR-6 for this reason, but I don’t tend to use it.


That’s a good idea. Maybe I should get a yo-yo. I committed myself to not checking the net when stuck in traffic etc. and it helped to remove some amount of manic quiver.


You mean pawned? badum tss!!


Yup this is all ringing true. It’s weird how many opinions were are all subjected to all day long. I remember a time when I hardly cared about the 4 or 5 opinions I would hear throughout a day.

Going out to the woods for nature time now.

….just five more minutes on the Spotify thread… :joy:

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Getting beaten by some chess kid on the internet sounds precisely like more time spent pushing pieces on the internet. Just one more game, i almost had him last time! well, that’s one zugzwang I’d rather avoid.