
Interesting. Does the standard LP come with a digital download code? Doesn’t mention It…

Will probably just go with the CD though. Might let me let go of my Amnesiac library book that gives me OCD issues as can’t stack it with the other cds :joy:

Edit: incredible to see someone trying to sell that amnesiac album on eBay for £90 :joy:


I leave it in a bookcase, on a shelf with the HTTT Map and some graphic novels.


Seems the cassette has 5 “B-Sides” that I didn’t see on the other packages.


Oh sneaky! I think those are already on the 2-disc reissues of Kid A and Amnesiac, as well as the single B sides


Amazing Sounds of Orgy is ace.


I lost mine somewhere along the way along with each subsequent special release, like the map from hail the thief and so on.

But I’ve gotta say this period of Radiohead kid A/amnesiac was a huge deal for me. I still looove those albums.

I think every edition (vinyl or tape) comes with a download code…


Oh snap I just looked at Pyramid Song EP and there a number of these on there. I’ll give those a listen to tide me over until release. I’ve already outplayed If You Say :man_shrugging:

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I was a Radiohead fan before Kid A and Amnesiac landed and I love Kid A but Amnesiac was the one that really made me think “wow”. I hadn’t really come across a band doing what they did with that album. I still argue it’s the better collection of songs between the two but Kid A was a better album due to flow.

Good to know with the download codes. Amnesiac on vinyl would be great. Already got Kid A on vinyl and cd though. Do I really need it a 3rd time when it’s not even a remaster?! Guess it’s unavoidable if wanting the new stuff!

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completely agree. It’s the flow that makes KidA arguably their best album. Same with In Rainbows, which is very close for me


This was totally the turning point for me. I’m one of those very strange Radiohead fans that is really not that bothered by The Bends, or even OK Computer (:scream:). But both Kid A and Amnesiac sucked me right in.


I have a mate who’s brother is instantly triggered by anyone who says Pablo Honey wasn’t really that good :joy:

I do enjoy returning to OK Computer every now and again though. The layering in Let Down is incredible


Exactly. By the time Kid A came out, I was pretty deep into experimental electronic music and it just sounded like watered down versions of the stuff I was into, like Warp stuff and Muslimgauze and Pan Sonic.

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Granted some of the more unique production to Radiohead was heavily Warp inspired (they don’t deny that), no one save Aphex came anywhere close to writing something like How To Disappear or Pyramid.

The thing is, I’m not really looking for great, emotional songs with that kind of music. Radiohead came from a song writing backround, they just basically lifted the “Warp sound” and wrote a bunch of catchy tunes.

Pyramid “catchy”???

My point is that it’s not just watered down Warp (and Joy Division and Mingus and Penderecki and and and). There is a lot more to it, even though it’s not your thing.

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I’ve been a fan since I was a kid, and the bends is really the first album I got super into, and I remember getting ok computer for my birthday the year it came out and it absolutely blew me away. I was never that big of a fan of pablo honey as I heard it after the bends….but OK computer, as a impressionable 12 year old kid, it just absolute shook me to the core. I love those 2 albums, but tbh by the time Kid A and Amnesiac came out I was into warp records and autechre and so on….

I find it hard to pick a fave but once again they completely changed my idea of what music is or could be. The idea of a ‘band’ and using the studio more like an instrument…when I go back it’s nearly always where I start before listening to everything else. I love every track and the structure of kid A…but equally amnesiac has a couple of my fave songs.

Everything they’ve released since has been a masterpiece in some new and interesting way. I think Hail to the Thief doesn’t get its due sometimes…but that album is perfect man.


100% agreed. They sound nothing like a warp band before or since really, outside of some structuring and experimental sound design


Yup. The last (not necessarily final hopefully) and still freshest record(s) of that 60s ethos.

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Yeah it’s all over those albums, nigel godrich becoming the secret member of the band too.

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Seriously? NOTHING like a Warp band?