Reason 12 is coming... GOTcha

I’m excited about it.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, it’s always good to push new toys to the limit :100:

Unfortunately, the sample slot selection cannot be automated or modulated, and there is no midi select either. At least not in slice mode.
It’s a double shame, as each sample slot has its own Mimic instance, i.e. its own settings for all parameters.

Another strange decision is to make the loop length parameter automatable but not modulatable. But if you really deal with the Reason thing, you will also notice that most of the automation / modulation parameters are obtained from the combinator :nerd_face:

totally forgotten :crazy_face:

Time will tell

Yah, was about to say i just remembered you can chuck it in a combinator! Been a while and just been messing about with R11 doing this again - turns out a lot of parameters dont have mod inputs for good reason.

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They’re doing 3 months for 3 dollar promo again , this includes mimic
Promo code 333

I might try it, haven’t used reason since v2 or something like that.


Got a few days off and I’m going to give it a go. No harm in it for £3 for 3 months really. Well, unless I really like it in which case my wallet is going to take a pounding…


Honestly I think that’s the first time I hear a sampler where you put a one shot and you get a decent program more than 2/3 semitones around the root sounding that good.

I’m impressed

coupled with Devious PitchMonster, I have so much fun


Reason 12 looks very interesting, I read it will be released at september 1. When I now subscribe for the 3 months for 3,- do I get the 12 beta? And can I stop the subscription in the case I do not like it?

Yes. If you sign up for Reason+, you get an early release of Reason 12. However, it’s not the beta, which you can get on a waiting list for if you’re a Reason Plus or Reason 11 user. You’re better off using the early release than the beta if you want to experience the program running properly.

You can cancel the Reason+ sub whenever you wish and can resub at your discretion also.

That $3 deal is probably close to going away.

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i’ve never used reason before, is that why the coupon code isn’t working? where do i put it in?

Thanks @re5et for the alert. Haven’t done reason since v2.5. That’s a pretty good deal and couldn’t resist.

V12 loads up all my old tracks from that period seamlessly. Everyone disses the old Subtractor synth, but I remember getting some amazing tones out of it, or using layers of them together with panning. So much new stuff to explore though.

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Looks like the $3 deal is over. :frowning: I was also wanted to give it a try, but I was too late.

Really liking the mimic sampler. Very conductive to new ideas.

Did you download the reason+ companion app? have a feeling I had to enter the code in there at the payment screen? Did that yesterday.

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Thanks for the info!

It worked yesterday, but before I clicked ‘purchase’ I wasn’t sure if I could cancel it when not satisfied. The question was answered today by @Ozone. So i tried it again today, the discount code did not work anymore . Guess i’m unlucky, one day too late.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they run the special again some time soon. There’s more new features coming that they will probably want to promote.


You mean as a vst? I‘m almost afraid to ask the ones that tried 12…
Edit: ah sorry I see 12 is gonna be out in september, but I still didn‘t understand if it will be possible to make reason as vst larger?
I got a deal on 10 or 11, wanted to try noise engineering, but its just too small for me and i am too lazy to relearn the standalone so i never open it, also the confusing + thing…

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You can enlarge the reason rack plugin now.

In my case, I made it smaller (80%) but you can make it larger too.


It’s here.

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The combi 2 is going to open many doors… There’s already a Korg NTS-1 controller…


Price increase coming, I read this on Reasontalk forum

We wanted reach out and tell you that in two weeks time we will be increasing the price of Reason 12. If you own a previous version of Reason, the price to upgrade to Reason 12 will increase from $129 to $199 (£199, €199, CAD259), while the full version of Reason for new users will increase from $399 to $499 (£499, €499, CAD599). Oh, and if you have Intro/Lite, your price to upgrade will go from $299 to $399 (£399, €399, CAD489).

I recently got Bitwig and im glad I did, it spark new creative joy, even though im in a massive rut atm. I have had an increasing negative feeling of Reason for the last few years. (user since v3)
The reason for this is,
1, underwhelming updates
2, the focus shift to Rack Extensions that are not included updates, that cost 99 eur
3, the recent + subscriptions

I have used Reason for a long time and had much fun with it, and might will still use 11 since im so comfy with it. Also when you are more invested into something you complain more lol, I just really want it to get better and not stagnate.

but 500 for a new licence, wtf!