Recommendations for new Syntakt users

Hi guys!

Im new here, also new to Elektron gear. And I am kinda confused about where to start (manual is kinda boring) . Any recommendations for us noobs?

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Welcome! I’m a great read-the-manual guy, but if you’re not, you could do worse than to play the factory patterns and turn some knobs to see what difference (if any) they make. Others can probably recommend video tutorials.


Since you’re new to Elektron Gear in general, you’d do well watching a few YouTube videos to just get a feel for workflow and terminology. It’s a little different than you might be used to. There’s a lot of tutorials out there for the Syntakt, so you’ll be able to find something that works for you if you look for a little while.

I’d use the manual just to familiarize yourself with the menu structure of the instrument. Once you get used to the layout, a lot of things will reveal themselves. Newer Elektron machines have a very clean workflow, imho, so taking the time to familiarize yourself with where functions/modes live will serve you well.

Here’s a couple of tutorials that might help. If you’re not into the style of these guys, do some more digging. Good luck and have fun.


I know manuals can be boring but they can make a huge difference when using the search function when you need it. I highly recommend you use it. Certain things easily become second nature once you figure them out :grin:

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Thanks! Tbh, Ive already watched these two and practiced while watching. However, I feel like Im getting lost every-time I watch another video. I also downloaded the users manual (the 118 page one) and indeed had a look but didnt read the 118 pages fully focused. XNB’s and Cuckoo’s videos are my favorites by far. Maybe I should spend more time on Syntakt to build up a muscle memory. Its only been 4 days, maybe Im expecting too much ^^.

I’d definitely second the recommendation to play with the factory patterns. I recall my first week on a the Digitone (my first Elektron box) all I could do was mute/unmute tracks and change synth parameters. I still had alot of fun and looking at how the factory patterns are put together can show you how the box can be used. Don’t sleep on Control All either!


Even if you had, you can’t possibly absorb it all that quickly. I think the important parts initially are the first seven chapters (about 25 pages, mostly high-level), the first few sections of chapter 9 on the sequencer, and appendix A on the machines. Intermix reading with a lot of play, and let your curiosity and imagination guide further study.


Since you’re a new Elektron user, it also takes a little time to understand/master the sequencer. Take your time and have fun. This forum also has TONS of info and there are a lot of talented and creative minds in here.


Maybe you could meet up with an Elektronauts from your City. One on one teaching is the best thing.


Bet there are! And I also loved the way you guys are guiding me. Thanks alot all.


I don’t think there are enough Elektronauts here in Istanbul. But definitely going to look up for them🤞🏾

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Try to create sounds from scratch, explore extreme settings of sound parameters, have an idea, work on making the idea reality …


Quote of the day🤘🏾


Loopop reviews are IMO always a good start. After that, just play with it, try to make some sounds and patterns to see how basic things work in practice, and after you’ll get a hang of it, you can dig into some more focused tutorials that interests you.

No point to study the manual “dry”, but it’s nice to have it handy so it can help you when you’re stuck. And while you’re at it, nothing wrong with reading whole chapter about that certain topic you’ve been looking at :slight_smile:


He is probably my all time favorite on new gear^^

(manual is kinda boring)

Jesus fucking christ



I will print it out and keep it right next to syntakt, promise👍🏿

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I don’t think anyone has posted, so here you go:

I haven’t gone through it myself (don’t have a Syntakt), but if you watch Dave’s YouTube content and listen to his music it’s pretty clear he has put in the work and has a deep understanding of Elektron devices. Certainly explore and consume the freely available options, but this would be on my shortlist for anything else.