Recording guitars

I’m not sure what his workflow is. I would assume live (loops) & since the Digitakt can chop, maybe 1 shots as well.

yea, everyone likes different things :blush: we live in an amazing time, so much to choose from, we can make our set ups exactly what we want them to be :upside_down_face:

I love to jam for the most part, but I also love sound design & experimenting. I’m all over the place when I create.

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Me too! Having worked exclusively with the DT and DN for the last few months, finding work arounds for my occasional guitar noodling on top has been great. Both machines are so amazing and I love their limitations (the way the voices get stolen from one another on the DN is truly excellent, for example). Only now I’ve maxed out the DT’s potential for what I want to do with guitar and sampling, hence opting for the OT v soon :blush:


Very small and pretty cheap power amp / cab sim : Mooer Radar. I kept it for bass.
Mooer Ge200 is interesting too. No midi control.

Interesting approach with Sp404!
I had a MPC1000 JJOS2XL, SP808, SP555, RC50/300/505/202, trust me, OT is by far the most powerfull looper/fx sequencer and much more. Not easy to setup, especially because you want more and more from it!
I found RC505 really interesting, but too big for a desktop looper. Modded as a foot controller maybe?

Beware, not enough limitations on the OT! :content:


Haha, beyond the 8 audio, 8 midi and 8 record buffers limit. I’m looking forward to really getting to grips with it again. Owned a mki back in the day but only used it for drum mangling. This time, I’m ready for the rabbit hole :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably much better gear then the SP404, but it was given to me long ago, and gets the job done… I really like it when I like to change up the rythem to my ONE Drop beats… I’ll play the new pads on the sp into the looper… or I also like how I can play through the sp404, as well as the pads, kinda acts like a little mixer (which I know the OT can do)… I just find with the sp404 it’s so simple, I don’t get bogged down with complications.

Also what I enjoy about it (again the OT can do this). Is I’ll play my rythem guitar live through it, and record it. When it’s solo time, I hit the pad and hold button on the 404, it loops my rythem part, and I solo alway… a lot of times… I use my small mixer, so the sp404 will record bass, drums, and guitar (all live)… hit the hold button and solo for days :). I’m not really synth guy, that’s why I get buy with 404 but someone more in to synths the OT is a bette option.

I so want want the sp555 :slight_smile:

does the 808 have a step sequencer?

SP555 seems very similar to SP404, except looper/overdub function maybe ? It definitely lacked fx control with CCs for me. I bought it for my son (he was 4yo). Too complicated for him, too simple for me! :smile:

I sold my SP808 almost 20 years ago, no step sequencer IIRC. 32Khz. Direct to Zip. :sketchy:


It’s what I’ve used for guitar direct to mixer for a few years.
I use the Deco in front of it for tape OD :drooling_face:


I use an Ethos Clean pedal as my amp sim. And not just when sampling. It’s my everyday guitar sound. I hardly turn on my proper amp any more. @sezare56’s Joyo American Sound is also fantastic, especially for the price.

This thread has inspired me to make some DI guitar samples, and shape them with the Digitakt’s filter and overdrive.

One neat trick for guitar samples is to use an LFO to change the start point. It’s not as good as the Octatrack’s slicer, but it’s a good start point.


I’m thinking of getting one. I wouldn’t use it as my main amp (I have too many great tube amps), but as a live back up, and for things like recording direct (or into a sampler), it would work great.

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Seems really interesting, surely simple to use.
Good that all brands make good quality amp / cab sim.
Don’t forget the Hx Stomp, almost same price range with much more possibilities.


it’s important to note the op is asking this question in the digitakt subforum. While your approach my work for you on other samplers, without owning a digitakt you can really tell people what it can and can’t do.

For instance you mention that 16 bit files on the 404 only use about 30 megs. Well that is about half of the project memory of a digitakt. The dt doesn’t actually have a lot of working memory. Every sampler functions differently, assuming they can all handle the same task at the same level is erroneous.

While you may not be here to argue it’s import to note the topic and subforum you are responding in and if the information you are giving is applicable to the topic. Sampling guitars into the digitakt. The approach you are explaining would not work well on the dt.



In my opinion, not off topic. Possible to use an SPx as a (cheap quality) preamp with fx you can record in DT. With its sampling abilities, it can sequenced by the DT. Why not? :slight_smile:

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OT has sampling memory of 64, I don’t own a DT but used one in my live set it works fine… I’m almost guaranteed if I had a DT i could make it work, and I bet other could too… not arguing, but people need to learn you can tweet and work around limitations… look what people did on floppy disk samplers :slight_smile:

DT has 64MB (mono 48khz 16 bits), OT has 85.5MB (stereo recording, stereo or mono samples playing, 44.1khz 16/24 bits)


I don’t want to argue specs, my point is if I did it on the OT with then 85.5, I know I CAN do it on a DT… just work around limitations… 64MB is more then enough, If you want to lend me your DT I can show you… if I can do it on the model samples, the dt can, which I stated previously, but you probably didn’t read that, your to busy arguing specs and what can and can’t be done… your own attitude is limiting you. Don’t so much crunch the numbers just go with it… I’m confident the DT can be an awsome tool for live guitar… A guitar doesn’t won’t use up nearly half the the DT memory I can guarentee that, have you tried using a guitar probably not? why am I not on synth threads arguging, because I don’t do synths I do samplers and guitars… I know it can be done.

For the love of Pete, I did pre-recorded guitar loops for a show with a volca sample, it has like 4 megs lol

If your approaching your live show or project and say, oh know the dt only has 64mb of memory, your already failed :frowning:

No need. Any recording examples?

Think twice about OT. It can record and play as an 8 stereo track looper and much more!

Realtime processing of a guitar (Analog Heat as preamp), no samples. Maybe not obvious, so I precise that all sounds are from the guitar through AH, recordings processed by the OT sequencer in realtime :pl:


…uh he wants to sample his guitar


I actually like the simplicity of the Iridium. I prefer NMV amps with very minimal knobs, so the “basic-ness” of the Iridium appeals to me.


It’s not the cheap cheapest option, but I saved up for the
5017 - Rupert Neve’s Mobile Mic Pre, DI and Compressor
as it does the DI/preamp/compressor chain and waited enough to be able to get like 20-30% off used.

This is dope as f&+$