Recording guitars

For those of you arguing about sample time on the Digitakt, please bear mind that the intro to “Whole Lotta Love” is about 10 seconds long before the vocals kick in :wink::joy:

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How many guitar tracks do you need for a show for one song 2, maybe three, I’m sure 64 megs is enough for that.

Totally missing the point I was making. It’s not about sample memory. I was pointing out the fact that not all samplers are the same and as such “general sampler” advice should be examined if it is applicable to the digitakt and this topic.

For example, you go into talking about being able to use guitars on the model sample and volca sample, Im guessing to prove how well versed you are at using samplers. But that just shows you are missing the point of the topic as OP was asking about sampling guitars directly into the digitakt input and the model sample and volca sample have no sampling input.

personally, no, one or two guitar lines for a song per project would not be sufficient for my writing style or live as the digitakt has project loading time which would break up a live performance and require other gear for transitions. Multiple “songs” per project is how I work. But ultimately my workflow and how I use my digitakt isn’t what’s being debated.

Not sure why you want to keep arguing this point by re responding to my post you already responded to.


That Neve 5017 looks beautiful! The Strymon also looks like it could be a very decent small studio / mobile option; the Ox Amp Top Box too, but pricey. Someone mentioned the SansAmp and my mate put the plug in amp modeller on my guitar whilst recording DI the other day and I was surprised by how good that sounded so presume their hardware DIs and Amp modellers are decent. A few options out there.

RE OP I’ve sampled guitar into the DT with my Broadcast (although Broadcast straight in is not ideal either) and without and it’s clearly better with (not least because the audio monitoring signal of straight in is very low for playing over any patterns etc). However, just from the point of view of different textures, I’ve still managed to turn both sets of samples into interesting sound sources - particularly got some nice bass sounds (pitched down of course) using the various sound design features of the machine. Have used the DT to create riffs and lines I would not have thought of myself just playing conventionally due to the nature of the sequencer. Not tried it in anyway for looping or live performance. Personally really interested in getting a Zoia for looping / granular / mangling when I can afford it, though would also love an Oktatrack too!


Just some audio examples. These are rough sketches that I did a while ago. I jammed them out quickly to send to a mate, so very much demo form, not mixed etc. Not loads of guitar layering, but the first bass sound is guitar straight in then pitched down; the other guitar samples on both ideas are Guitar > Broadcast > Avalanche Run > DT if I remember correctly.


Everything is better with the Broadcast. Everything.

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Yes it’s great! I just much prefer the way it interacts with my amp (Orange Dual Terror).

I run my Broadcast into an Ethos Clean amp modeler pedal. It’s a lovely combo. 99% of the time I play through these, into a mixer with powered monitors.

It’s so good that when I played through a tube amp the other day, it felt flat. Now, if I could crank everything up really loud, maybe things would be different.

The best part of using a setup like this is that, when you record or sample the guitar, the recording sounds exactly like the “live” version.

I have a mono aux-send going to the Digitakt.


Sounds like a great set up! The loud cranking is where something like the Ox Top Amp would come in handy I suspect. I have just sorted out a new studio space so have room for recording with amps now, but would love a smaller home solution as I keep my DT at home for sketching ideas. Unfortunately not in the position to be fixing that anytime soon, but thanks for the tip!

just trying to help… here is me at a gig us a drum machine… i play punk… and even with my mpc 500 can achieve… and the dt is way better

Still completely missing the point I was making…


someone asked if I had something of me playing I posted…your missing my point, I tried to help - I gave some valuable info on how to record perfect loops… even if my sampler knowledge of the sampler. you speak of, I’m sure my loop-recording method can work when recording on any sampler :slight_smile:

weather someone is using a sp404, a mc101 or DT most recording methods can be applied to any piece of hardware…



@Santural (OP) You must be well confused given the amount of pedal/DI options presented here haha. Did you go for the DT in the end? And what did you decide for boosting the guitar signal before going into the DT?


I know this isn’t needed & it’s considered very pricey to some, but the Analog Heat is a good option for a device that goes in-between guitar & Digitakt. Actually it’s my favorite option to put in-between ANY sample source & ANY sampler.

I love how the Analog Heat makes guitar & bass sound. I love putting the AH on everything :blush: I use it when sampling individual sounds & I also use it on the master (not always on the master but it’s always included in someway).


I like to mic my guitars–both acoustic & electric. I run all my signals through a small mixer with output to the DT for sampling. I don’t like the sound of DI guitars at all.


Hey! I did end up getting one!

I’m going to check out the Behringer BDI21 for bass for now, and just see how it feels. I have a couple of synths that’ll keep me busy while I figure out something for guitar (Broadcast looks and sounds AMAZING).


Yea it’s definitely best to mic up guitars - never really enjoyed the sound of piezo pick ups. Guess sometimes it’s a question of practicality & the set up available to you.

You definitely won’t be disappointed if you get a broadcast! & congratulations on your digitakt purchase - most enjoyable piece of gear I own.

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Yes, I used it in my above videos. Really good guitar preamp, but an additional cab sim is preferable. Better than Analog Drive for clean distortion imho, much less noisy.