Ricky 'Overbridge' Tinez

This YouTube sparked an interesting conversation for sure


not at all


Its the Bob Ross effect. Smooth voice, nice tone, soft lighting, dont really care what Iā€™m painting/creating, Iā€™m just really pleased with faffing around with this stuff right now, occasional dog, more soft lighting, gentle voice, ā€˜hey check that bit out, thatā€™s cool, Iā€™m so pleased that happenedā€™ - rinse and repeat.


Rickyā€™s videos are usually look beautiful and are well edited, Iā€™ve enjoyed a lot of them. This isnā€™t one of his best. I kinda went off him after he made the video titled something like ā€˜5 things Iā€™d wished Iā€™d known before buying the Digitaktā€™ where he rambles on about things he could have just learned prior to purchasing. The thing is, before that video was another one called ā€˜Digitakt - is it perfect?ā€™ where he praised the hell out of it. Now heā€™s made this one where he clearly has little idea of what heā€™s doing in setting up Overbridge. Heā€™s a perfect example of someone who has all the latest kit but only a basic understanding of it, which is weird as heā€™s clearly passionate about music production and is a great advocate for Novation. I donā€™t know, typical YouTube influencer BS.

I still enjoy his videos though. :rofl:


The fact that he doesnā€™t do all those cringey YouTube thumbnails of over over-expressive faces while holding a synth and overlaying that with something in big font makes me tolerate him more than some of the other YouTubers. His thumbnails are usually just the product and nothing else.


Ricky has chill.

I also like that he is quite amateur, he isnā€™t trying to pretend he is some self appointed authority, he leaves his WTF moments in, I think people relate more to that, I get the feeling that he just comes across as himself rather than a persona.


I have a Mac and have had 0 issues with Overbridge as long as I keep to no more than 2 devices. The third device always causes problems.

I get why people need to produce to continue work as an ā€œinfluencerā€ and understand the need for padding.

Iā€™m bad enough at getting everything from a manual read-through the first time and wanting to just intuitively know a system, but if Iā€™m watching someone on youtube I want to be informed. Like, maybe they traded off some troubleshooting knowledge for musical ability sure :wink:

I mean, you have Ricky who sometimes seems confused by his gear but whose videos are actually interesting and chill, vs, say, Loopop, who clearly has RTFM but I want to turn off after 5 minutes because how many times can I listen to a f***ing saw wave??? And donā€™t get me started on the ā€˜zany synth personalitiesā€™ who are clearly just getting paid by the big companies (and who somehow magically seem to have gotten free studio gear worth $1000s despite as near as I can tell having zero taste or talentā€¦ lol). /r

Ricky is good people in my book.


Out of all the YouTubers Iā€™ve watched, his is the only music I actually like.

In all about house though. Regardless of genre preferences though, all the others make really boring and bland music that does not move me one bit. Thereā€™s no groove, no soul, nothingā€¦

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sure they seem to work and attract most people, thatā€™s why everyone who want views uses them.
They turn me personally off though. I would rather delete my channel before Iā€˜ll ever post a thumbnail like that. But Iā€˜m not dependent on views fortunately

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This can be treated in different ways, but marketing is increasingly penetrating into the most sacred corners of human life. And in modern realities, you have to be able to use this if you want to draw more attention to what you are doing.

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I loathe zany facial expressions on video thumbnails, itā€™s incredibly cringe. The problem is that YouTube, like all social media, is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. In many cases, viewers are going to be young people or people with ā€˜young mindsā€™ shall we say, and that is why candy-coloured content with trigger-worthy titles and gurning faces manages to garner the most views.


This is the true Bob Ross of the audio world.


I was looking for interesting maschine mk3 and maschine plus videos recently and couldnā€˜t click a single video. All I saw were these dumb thumbnails full of facial expressions, paired with emojis and titles like:
I made the hardest bangerā€¦
I made this fire beat with onlyā€¦
Watch this before youā€¦

Itā€˜s embarassing. Sorry for the off topic rant :see_no_evil:


Iā€™m still baffled that people can be so amazed by different people doing different things with the same sample.


It is also a good indicator to the type of content to be expected, if you have some prat holding a groovebox and making a stupid face it is safe to assume the content will be shite.


Gear market is more and more focusing on cheap synths equipped with some interesting features: Elektronā€™s Model series, Rolandā€™s boutiques, Korgā€™s Volcas, Beringher stuff and so onā€¦
All that gear has two targets: professionists or amateurs who likes to expand their setups with some new voice; or young people with no moneys who wants to have fun with friends after school. More of the youtube influencers are focused on the second target. And I think thereā€™s nothing to complain. Remember, also the mitical 303 in the '80 was merely a cheap toyā€¦


The TB-303 was US$395 when it came out. Thatā€™s the equivalent of about $1100 today. Not really a toy.


Yes, I did not mean when it was in the Roland catalogue, but after. When 303 have been discontinued by Roland in 1984, it had a big price drop and became very affordable on the second hand market. In the late '80 it became legendary and price raised again, until today.

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