Ricky 'Overbridge' Tinez

I really like Ricky Tinez’s videos. Though I think he’s a single person with no children. Having a family takes away getting all that stuff whenever you want it. Bobeats has children, he must have a really cool wife.

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I don’t think Bobeats pays for a lot of his gear. He is one of those Youtuber’s that drops a review at the exact same time as a handful of others, meaning he has early access to a lot of gear.


I think Ricky is at his best when he has done something successfully live, and he wants to share it. The technique has been field tested, party people approved, and ready to be communicated. This year there hasn’t been any live shows and more and more we see whatever he thinks up on Friday evening. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes I tune out half-way though, or just check the comments to see if the outro jam is good.

I do admire his perseverance.

His wife is probably happy he is back in a separate office space. I’m pretty sure he paid for the synths in his early videos but these days he has good relationships with manufacturers and gets stuff free of charge but with the understanding that he will make x number of videos on the topic. That has to be a blessing and a curse.

Ricky is already synths 24/7 because of his day job at Novation. I think he also gets a lot of free synths, but they probably come with the day job, or can be tax write-offs.


I’ve been watching his Digitakt tutorial videos from 2018, and they’re quite good. I say that as someone who has designed online courses for years.

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yep his digitakt clips are excellent and concise, the perfect pace and balance…

Sorry for ot… just stumbled upon this


That’s like the jackpot of all the annoying YouTuber things in one thumbnail. Amazing!


Used to really enjoy YouTube synth videos. However, it seems very few of them these days have any semblance of authenticity to them.

As soon as a new piece of gear is about to be released the merry go round begins. Targeted ads masquerading as synth videos.
Having said that I do like Ricky Tinez vids.

I’m sure that he works within the same system as the others, but he seems to make it seem more spontaneous than it likely actually is.

He shows notable restraint with only one fire emoji.


Also, who the fuck is he pointing at?


you! gotta hear this


If Autechre made YouTube explainer videos, I wonder what their thumbnails will look like.

Maybe like this?


Like capitalism, society, and humanity itself, Youtube is degenerating rapidly. I use it to watch videos about macroeconomics and audio production, yet it cannot believe I’m not interested in takedowns of celebrity weightlifters or buying crypto and antioxidant shakes from aggressive 18-year-olds who are clearly filming on an iPhone.


been pondering this pedal… might add it to my list of things to trade for my mpc

Clearly you haven’t trained your algorithm very well


I had mine wonderfully under control.

Then I had kids…


If it weren’t for those searches for “roller coaster deaths” mine would be pretty on point…


My top 3 YouTube searches this week…

Monster trucks
Monster trucks and dinosaurs
Monster trucks and space dinosoars



…the scary part is that either:

  1. the algorithm knows that you are interested in these things - even if you yourself are still in denial.
  2. the algorithm wants you to be interested in these things and is playing the long game knowing you must eventually cave in and submit.
  3. there was that lapse one night after the pub…