Roland Aira MX-1

Is anyone using the HS-5 with synths? It looks to me like you get five stereo pairs, which is one more than most compact mixers. Price is more than twice a pair of 1202VLZ4s, so maybe not a practical solution.

would be nice to have class compliant output as well, USB-C connect to your iphone or androidā€¦

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i have the TR8s and the Mc707 i love my OT but it would be nice if there were an better AIRA version of their mixer, this form factor is good, but Roland are so fickle with support. No VST for 101, i imagine that box with a UI like overbridge, and it would be so much better, i think to switching all Elektron, but i really like faders and knobs of Roland.

ā€˜kin ā€˜ell! That makes even the MX-1 look tastefully designed, seems like the guy who designed the D2 wasnā€™t fired, probably the bossā€™s son :rofl:


Iā€™d still like to dream that Elektron would throw a similar idea into a ā€˜takt style casing


The holy grail!

Itā€™s been available for seven years. Iā€™m not sure that qualifies as being rapidly discontinued.

Iā€™ve got two of them, thatā€™s how much I like ā€˜em. I think Iā€™ve said it here before somewhere, but to me the filters, sequencer and fx, while not amazing taken on their own, are so easily accessible that their ease of use more than makes up for any lack in character. Not need to have something crazy on every channel anyway. The MX-1 is a heavily underrated device and the only thing that will eventually diminish its usefulness quite a bit is the need for custom drivers.


Iā€™ve considered and passed on the MX a few times, usually because of the lack of regular inputs - I do now have enough Aira devices to use all the ports, but I rarely want to use them all at the same time. Obviously regular USB audio inputs would be a complete game-changer here, and would make perfect sense for a modern version given the number of USB audio devices that have emerged since the MX was launched. I guess minimising noise would be a major concern, though, as a few well-placed forum posts or YT videos could wreck a deviceā€™s reputation.

For the folks with no Virus, another tip to expand the channels of an MX-1 is to get a used Focusrite 6i6 or 8i6. Sometimes people sell them for cheap with a broken headphone port, which you probably wonā€™t need anyway for this use case. Those have digital I/O and work standalone once configured. Set them to the sample rate the MX-1 is using, connect via SPDIF and now youā€™ve got a bunch of additional channels, albeit down mixed to 2. Not necessarily a problem if you chose the instruments wisely. And the Focusrites have preamps better suited for guitar or vocals than the digital preamps of the MX-1. Win. :slight_smile:


As this is the most recent thread concerning the og AIRAā€™s, I just saw a second hand System-1 pop up for 600 euros with the decription that itā€™s supposed to be ā€˜rareā€™ now and I was like, uhhh?
So after a tiny bit of investigation it seems the whole V1 line is discontinued now. MX-1, TR-8, System-1, TB-3 and VT-3. I still own all of them, so Iā€™ll defo keep a hold of them now :smiley:

1m is still available btw.

what is the 1m?

System-1M, the module/rack version.


Man I hope they release another version one day.

This is probably my favorite piece of gear I own. I love the effects, how easy it is to use, how playable it is, itā€™s just perfect for me.

The tx-6 and bluebox are really fun but so far this is still my favorite.

Anyone have any other mixer suggestions that are fun and playable?

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First off, I still think the MX-1 is unique and unparalleled, and really good value.

A 1010 Bluebox controlled by a Novation Launch Control XL takes up less space than the MX-1. That can be configured to be really performative and fun, but takes a bit of set up.

The best fun/performative mixer Iā€™ve had/got is the Allen and Heath Xone DB4.
Live looping, beat matching, 4 fully-fledged multi-fx engines, great filters, superb routing matrix. More money than an MX-1, but worth it IMO.

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Wow, thatā€™s high praise! Gonna look into it right now!

Itā€™s frustrating the lack of modern usb compliant performance mixers on the market excluding dj mixers. Guess thereā€™s not enough market for it. But you see lots of requests for it on numerous forums.

yep. thinking about buying one but since they are out of stock in many shops i have hopes for a new version in the futureā€¦

Iā€™d love a less ā€˜Rolandā€™ version of the MX-1ā€¦ you know the quirkiness that comes with all the ā€˜shortcutsā€™ and the aesthetic that they never seem to do well, and the toy-like quality, and the 60mm faders.

Who could do it though?
Elektron seem to have a lot of the tech, think about the Octatrack and Digis mix facilitiesā€¦ bigger box, some faders.

Think of it in these terms;
Elektron=Syntakt (or Rytm)


What would that look like?

Who else?

I wish someone would step up.

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Yes and for at least 10 years nowā€¦.

Behringer could easily make one, BRC build quality and at a reasonable price point, they have the technology and facilities.

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