Roland TR-06 Boutique

Yep, I have the TB03 and SH01A and love them. They sound real enough to me. I’m so keen to get the TR06!

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I think people got so embroiled in hating on Roland their bias gets in the way.
I love and have used or owned/own almost every classic Roland for a long time, and I have most of the boutiques, I don’t have any complaints about the sound whatsoever, sure they aren’t perfect, the polys only have 4 voices, the small controls and physical size, but for me those are not issues, I understand for some people they are though and those are valid criticisms for sure, but when people start saying they sound crap I just think ok, well you’re missing out then.

There is no way I could afford the original versions now, prices are too rich for my blood on most of them, plus I don’t have the space, so the boutiques are the best solution for me.

Thanks @re5et for the heads up on Juno, just got my order in :+1:

Edit: Forgot to mention the many improvements over the originals, like additional parameters, full midi cc, audio and midi over USB, more memories etc.


I‘m about to get these two. After work I often just want to reach out for something simple instead of diving deep into my elektrons.
And I love the sound of the boutiques in demos. Had the sh01a for a short period, sounded great. Build quality as well.
Also lusting for the boutique drum machines, especially TR08 and 06, but they are hard to justify for me as long as I have the TR8s that has more or less the same models all in one nice machine.
Guess I‘m just curious about the old school workflow. And they look much nicer of course.
Probably just an excuse the get more gear, but a small boutique setup looks so playable and hands on :upside_down_face:


Thanks Cuckoo.

I’m probably going to crack and buy myself one for Xmas I think. I already have the SH01a (which I love) permanently connected into one Ext In of my DN Keys, it sits really nicely behind the Keys and complements it so well. The TR-06 could go next to it into for tweakable drums and free up DN tracks. Then I’d have a complete fairly portable gig-ready setup as a nice alternative my other gig-ready setup (A4+Subharmonicon and DFAM)

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Mine should arrive tomorrow, looking forward to it!


Got mine just now. Pretty.


My first hardware boxes were a TR-08 and SH-01a, followed by the TB-03. They were great for leaning about step sequencing and synthesis. Eventually I got the TR-09 as well. I sold the 09 and bought the 8s, for it’s wider variety of sounds, motion sequencing, faders, and better hands on playability. I’ve since gotten the OT and the DN. I find that Roland and Elektron gear make a great combination, especially the boutique synths, which are very simple, with direct controls, while the Elektrons have more depth. The SH-01a and TB-03 are best suited to the boutique format because the control surfaces aren’t too crowded. I especially like the 01a, it’s just so easy and simple in a really good way. I found the 09 Interface to be way too crowded, but it looks like the 06 has a little more space and looks like it will be the most playable of the boutique drum machines.


They do compliment Elektron gear well, and Elektron designers were influenced of course by the original Roland machines too (also note the dinsync functionality) so it kind of goes full circle :slight_smile:

I like that Roland didn’t just simply make the boutiques clones of the originals, technology moved on since the 80’s and with the Aira range (more so the newer Airas) and the boutiques the modern features are added with taste and without detracting from the original designs, but enhancing them.

I think a good opportunity exists for Roland to tie everything together a bit, like they did with the SBX-1 and to a lesser extent the MX-1. I’d like to see a MC-8 or MC-4 update with din midi and midi USB CC sequencing, definitions for all the boutique parameters, CV and Gate, sync24/48 and possibly even a USB to separate audio outputs adapter.

Doubt it would happen but it would be nice if it did.


Nice to see the step loop function added to the 06. I wonder if that will come over to the 08/09 as well. I would really like to be able to copy and paste patterns on the 08, without stopping the sequencer. That said, I’ve barely touched the 08 since getting the 8s. I’ve really been enjoying combining the ACB sounds with the new FM sounds. I’ve made some great sounding kits lately.

At the risk of veering way off topic, I’m really hoping someone will make a new performance mixer soon. Like a combination of an Allen & Heath Xone 96, Roland MX-1, 1010 Bluebox, Tascam Model 12, and an Octatrack. I really like the idea of midi sequencing external synths and being able to EQ and add effects on the same box. Being able to record long multitracked performances and also create and play back shorter loops, would be a dream for dawless recordings and performance.

OMG (Davey504 style) this thing is incredible, I love it. Only had about 15 minutes and won’t comment on authenticity compared to my 606 (yet, will later) but forget all that and take it as a drum machine in its own right - I take my hat off to Roland, this is a modern take on the 606, all the immediacy is there and yet it adds all of the things I wished the original had (and then some) in a simple menu system.

I have not dug deep yet obviously, so more detail later, but highlights discovered so far - sounds can be sent only to L or R for splitting off say kick and toms, and the fx are IMHO good enough to be in a dedicated fx unit, each sound has sends, AND external input can be sent through the fx, that makes this a keeper for me alone, for electro and techno and acid the fx will work great for me, parameter locking the fx parameters (via midi) using a blank pattern or with the drum instruments turned down, and having it on a aux send. The delay repeats for a long time, it reminds me a bit if the space echo, I really hope the TB-03 gets these fx.

Think this is deffo my fave boutique drum machine so far.


Got my shipping notice today, first batch must have finally arrived to the US. How are the additional kicks and snares?

909 and 808 stylee. Quite a bit of shaping with pitch, decay and (bd)attack, (sd)snappy, then of course compressor, gain and fx send.

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Niceee… I didn’t even know you could parameter lock the FX parameters.

I meant externally over midi, sorry for the ambiguity.

My eyes dilated there for a moment.

But yea, OT should make a great partner. That’s what I’m gonna plug mine into. Hadn’t thought about CC# control from OT to TR-06 but it could be a way to get some “kits” functionality, now that I think about.

Ah gotcha

because of the features I suppose. can :grimacing:you say something about the sound quality compared to the other boutiques? Not in regard how close they come to their role models but just in general.

I‘m about to order one today.:grimacing: I should get the TR6s instead to have all classics in one maschine but somehow I‘m more drawn to the boutique


Sounds good @darenager. My preorder delivery date was drifting, so cancelled and ordered from Juno. Should be here today. Looking forward to jamming with it this weekend. Does it do flam and substep stuff like the TR-8S and the plugin? (Autocorrect wrote “glam and dubstep” there, nearly kept it)



I’m loving the 606 kit in my 8S at the moment. Got it sounding tight and punchy! 606 kit with a 909 rimshot and weird FM tone? Yes please.