Roland TR-06 Boutique

Yeah, more prominent; the TR8S’s hi-hats aren’t as aggressive.

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That’s what I was hoping you’d say.
Drumatix sound combined with some of the TT-606 bonuses like sub steps, variation sounds (timbres).

The only thing that could make it better, for me, is the ability to save and recall kits. But I’ll manage.

FYI I like the hi-hats on the TR-06 better than the TT-606.

Yea, same, and just from hearing videos of the new TR-06.

I think hats and cymbal on TT-606 always required processing. I used a Moog MF Boost pedal on mine to get some dirt on them. Good thing that one’s got individual outs. I probably wouldn’t have used one if it just had a single mono or stereo output.

But with TR-06, from what I am hearing, so much tone shaping and mixing can be done under the hood that the lack of individual outs is hardly a deal breaker.


It’s definitely my favorite of the drum boutiques even though I love them all equally just for how cool they look/are. But it’s the most advanced and all the extra controls and features make it way more playable.

If only my menu and step loop buttons worked!

Anyone have any issue with them? You just press them and they turn on no problem?

Yeah no problems with those buttons here.

No problems. You really should get yours replaced.
I will send mine back probably :see_no_evil:
I like the sound a lot, the sequencing has some nice playable features but feels a bit limited and slow. My first “drummachine” was an OT, I never tried the more oldschool boxes before…
I think pure drummachines are actually not my thing, I like to make rather full tracks on single boxes, otherwise I get a bit bored :upside_down_face:
Sounds and looks really nice though, maybe I get one again if they go for 200 used…

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I dunno about that. There’s a shed load of extra gain in the kit settings. And each track has +40db of extra gain as well. I found if I leave the kit gain at 0db and increase the hihat channel gain, the hats start smacking the soft clipper on the master out put. Then you need to drop the level of course, so it blends well with the rest of the kit. So you can get more aggressive sounding hat’s just by tweaking the gain settings.

Of course, I dont have an 06 to compare, but, the 8S 606 hats can go from soft tinkle, to very hard punchy metal without sacrificing tone or dynamics.


It could be my imagination.

I think in the default settings, with no additional gain/overdriving, the 06 hats definitely sound more aggressive/overdriven than the 8S kit to me. The 8S (and 6S, I assume) track insert fx give you more options to shape the sound in the box, the trade-off being a bit of minor menu diving.

I haven’t had the chance to spend a whole lot of time with the 06 yet but I am having to recalibrate to a drum machine without a screen, and learning the shortcuts, modes etc. :sweat_smile:


Mine arrived today. Been using it for about an hour.

Step Loop combined with probability is real fun for a quick real time fills.
As expected, so much under the hood. The reverb is great for the 606 sound.
I only wish you got a numerical on the display when turning the Drive knob for the drive fx, as I like using it for HPF/LPF and want to be sure I am bringing it back to right at the middle point.

Also, the CY Gated variation makes a fun bonus hat sound when decay is set super short. It’s like a staccato metallic 606 style maraca (if the 606 had maracas). I’ll be using that a lot, so that’s a nice surprise. Great for electro phrasing, and still being able to pitch it in realtime just gives it even more flavor

The bonus 808 and 909 sounds (BD/SD) are also great to have, and just makes me wish it had “kits” all the more.


Agree, there are enough options that it would make kits very worthwhile.

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Mine should arrive in the next couple of days. I’ve not bothered with the boutiques so far as I had too many gripes. But this one just really caught my attention. I remember trying the 09 when it came out at a music convention and liking it (since the 909 is my favourite machine), but really wishing it was bigger etc.

Whereas I think this one fits the form factor really well and some of the additional stuff looks really fun. Along with the 03, the 06 looks great too I think. I’ll probably end up with an 03 just to pair with this.

I’m asuuming that you are waiting for the RD-9 to be release.

Not too hyped about it yet tbh. I’ll see once it’s out of course, but I always have a bit of an up and down with behringer stuff. Not to complain about them at all, but sometimes not too sure about their design choices and their quality control. The rd8 for example just looked a bit crappy visually and had what I felt were unnecessary extras. Feels more bootleg than clone. That plus the issues it has had put me off (credit to behringer for their updates though tbh). Only minor gripes really but enough to put me off. I do have a yellow TD3 which I like though. But I chose the 06 over the RD6 due to the features.

As for 909 I’m much more interested in the RE909. While they are expensive, I really appreciate the effort made by dinsync and crew in regards to accuracy and appreciation of the source material.


I probably said it on here already, but I played a friend’s RD8 on the weekend and was legitimately impressed. Very fun to perform with. So I may be tempted to break my no new Behringer rule and get the RD9 when I have the money.

I really hope my TR06 arrives soon though! I’m so keen.

same. I need to find a third party builder. I’d love one but don’t possess the necessary skill, patience or time to build it.

also my take on the RD9: even though it’s not analog (and yes I know half the original wasn’t), the TR-09 sounds much closer to the original.

anyway, back to the topic: I own an Acidlab Drumatix and love it. but the tweakability of the TR-06 is making my credit card hand twitchy…

The RD-9 is not analog? That seems weird considering the RD-8 is.

the RD9 is half analog, just like the 909 (the cymbals and claps are samples). I was saying even though the TR-09 isn’t analog at all, it sounds better than the RD9 demos I’ve heard.


ah i see, thanks for clarifying