Roland TR-06 Boutique

Looks interesting. Curious.

I preordered. GAS is a terrible thing.

Itā€™ll round out my ambient techno setup nicely I think.


USB Audio Out -> Box -> Elektron USB in? Maybe?

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Iā€™m definitely getting one of these. Looks fun as hell.


Yeah, the sound parameters sold it for me. Sounds like itā€™s got a 909 snare as an option? Wonder if that means it has the 909 toms too? Either way Iā€™ll be turning the snappiness right down on the snare to use it in ambient techno.

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Finally could watch some videos. Looks very fun and pretty versatile. Might even satisfy my TR needs.
More in the 808/606 softer tone camp anyway.
But the priceā€¦ I payed 450 for a secondhand TR8s

The tr-606 was one of my favorite of the tr series. Love my sh-01a, wonder how the trig outs could make the 01a more fun. Butā€¦400 bucks is a heavy blow-ouch. I sold my 606 for 300 with the cv/midi box.

Yeah, itā€™s basically the price that the originals are going for here in Australia. The seemingly well-priced ones, anyway.

Still, Iā€™m a sucker for that form factor, so I think itā€™s worth it.

Yeahā€¦ I had the original sh-101 years ago and like the sh-01a form factor much more. Love the size and the poly mode. This one is gonna be hard to wait for used ones.


I have a feeling never. Iā€™d be excited for it, but because ā€˜itā€™s just samplesā€™ they might not expect a great response

The samples from Mars extreme-pitchable 727 pack is nice & im sure other extras could be added to make it worthwhile butā€¦


Do the newer Boutiques still have that 15 ms lag? It was extremely annoying on my TR09 and JX03, ended up selling both.


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If you go to page two of that link, youā€™ll see reports that the SH-01A and TR-09 donā€™t exhibit that lag.

Iā€™m curious to hear others confirm that here.

No, not that I have noticed, prompted by your question I did a quick and simple test, I panned my boutiques and a TT-303 and BassBoy hard one way, and OT playing a sample hard the opposite way. So OT was reference, other synths were tested to see typical midi lag, each sequenced 4 hits 4 to floor using Squarp Pyramid. OT was slaved to Pyramid, sequencing sample with internal OT track.

Here are results - latency against OT noted, so not totally scientific but good enough to get an idea:

TR-09 - 4ms
TR-08 - 4ms
TB-03 - <1ms
BassBoy - <3ms
SH-01a - 9ms
TT-303mk2 - 5ms
JX-03 - 18ms

Note: All connected via midi thru box from Pyramid midi out, the delay added from the thru box would be negligible.

I did not bother testing any other boutiques because it is rather boring :joy: and not really noticeable in my setup for a number of reasons:

The older boutiques like JX-03, JP-08 and JU-06 I almost always use for pads where ms accurate timing isnā€™t needed or noticable.

On the machines with their own sequencers I mostly use them like that rather than triggering from midi anyway, if not then I can easily line everything up if I ever notice, but I have not yet so far.

Most midi gear has a bit of delay, the TR-909 was particularly bad, definitely worse than the boutique version, didnā€™t stop it being used on thousands of hit records though, I donā€™t ever recall people stopping dancing to complain about it though :wink:

If you can hear something out of time then of course it can be a problem, and drift is pretty annoying in certain cases, most of the time though it isnā€™t anywhere near the issue that people who sell solutions for this would have you believe. EDIT: Iā€™m assuming an all hardware setup with this comment, I know some of the DAW focussed solutions are highly regarded for solving DAW-Midi issues.

For timing critical stuff where you want two devices to play sounds exactly simultaneously you are better off avoiding midi altogether. IMHO.



The TR-09 I was always using with its built-in sequencer. I synced it to various other hardware sequencers and I always felt it lagged a bit behind. IIRC I tried having it as MIDI master, but it didnā€™t really help as the lag is with the sound engine Iā€™m assuming. The JX03 was worse, yeah, but like you say for pads itā€™s fine.

Never noticed my TR-909 lagging like this back when I used to own one. Needing to start/stop a few times before it behaved, on the other handā€¦

Maybe you had a very late one with the v4 eprom that improved it, there used to be a guy selling them, I did mine but it was quite difficult getting the old eprom out without damaging the PCB.

Still, as I said most 909s didnā€™t have it, and probably if you analysed some classic tracks you could see the drift and jitter.

I donā€™t doubt it.

But keep in mind that drift & jitter is different from a latency offset caused by the DSP implementation which is likely constant in time.

edit: man, 18ms is really quite something though. thatā€™s more than my complete system (DAW + converters + inserts) input to output

Yeah, if you can hear it then of course it can be annoying, Iā€™m not disputing that, in the case of the boutiques though it is a fairly consistent lag from receiving a midi note on to the sound source reacting then it is pretty simple to move the notes to compensate.

Edit: Also seems that at least some of this is caused by USB audio latency rather than strictly just midi propagation delay. In my examples above all devices except the Octatrack were going into Roland MX-1. I suspect that different audio setups would yield different results, also consider that in my test all tracks were playing at the same time on the Pyramid so the usual midi serial delays would apply.

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It seems last step is per pattern

Anyone know whether it can do last step for each instrument?