Roland TR-6S

I hear you it can be a bit startling. I tend to assign Control knob to Depth or Balance to retain the current frequency.

The way Elektron uses Cntrl+Rotary to turn to specific round numbers would be perfect for this. (I donā€™t own a TR, just enjoying the thread)


The Roland knobs arenā€™t endless encoders like Elektron.

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Are the knobs actually quite fiddly to get back to zero or does the scaling on the knobs make it easier?
Iā€™ve not used a TR8s and was considering picking up a TR6s over the next few months.

Ah ok makes sense then

Not sure if what you mean, i would say itā€™s a question of training. The more you use them, the more you find the right knob movement
to be on zero or really near to. But depending on the type of fx, you ear that near is not en punto


I just have to say that the Tr-6s is a really, really nice action machine!

There are lots of clever button combos, it has a good size (after some rehearsal time), and sounds great.

Itā€™s a machine worth investing time to learn it inside out and practice it like an instrument.

Shift + knob scrolls through categories while knob scrolls through items, kit + ctr knob remaps a control knob, utility + knob reloads the knob positions, etc pp.

You can switch sounds really fast, quickly turning a track into something completely different, variations are great, step loops with 3-5 buttons held, too.

It also has some parallels with the OT regarding button combos, in fact I use it as a mobile button combo rehearsal device.

Great tool.


I agree the reload is similar to the elektrons control all function and l also like changing sounds in existing patterns. l also have the Mc 101 which makes these a powerful combo in a small package.

Glad you brought this up.
Thinking back to my Roland R8 MK2 days, if I got the TR-6S Iā€™d really want to try to make whole tunes on it like I do with my MS. MS gets away with it well thanks to sound locks and using fills/trig conditions helps you work out of one pattern, as well.
Iā€™ve often got 8 or 9 sounds coming out of my MS, and thanks to live knob tweaks, LFOs, mutes, and latching fills (plus a little help from OT live input mangling) I can get whole tunes out of it on a single pattern.

I think the lack of true sound locks combined with the inability to even use chains (start point canā€™t be locked) has kicked me off the fence on the TR-6S.
If only the TR-8S werenā€™t so physically big :slight_smile:


I donā€™t understand, the problem would be the same than TR-6s. Lack of sound lock and chain capacity ?

Wouldnā€™t need the feature on the TR-8S, as it has eleven tracks at the userā€™s disposal, rather than six.

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Yes, indeed. That makes sens.

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On the Tr6s, itā€™s very easy and convenient to swap sounds live, if you donā€™t mind an instrumental approach.

I just would need more sounds in a kit than 6, all triggering in a pattern.
But that is good to know!

There are some instruments that have an alternate sound that you can use on different steps in the same sequence. This option is available on any instrument listed with an ā€œaā€. It would be nice if this was an option on more instruments, especially when using your own imported samples.


I have a TR-8s and there is a lot I like about it, but Iā€™ve been thinking a lot lately about how great it would be to have a digitakt/tr-6s combo. The DT could sequence the 6s and open up off grid steps as well as being able to run an LFO per instrument and map more hands on controls to the encoders. Run the 6s into the inputs of the DT and treat it like one super drum machine / sampler.

I agree with some of your above comments regarding instrument tuning. I really wish it were possible to choose the note of the bass drum or other instruments, and remap the tuning knob to another function, or quantize it to a scale.


Yes, thatā€™s true. This box is efficient.

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This ! Would be great

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Iā€™m thinking of buying this just for sampling (I have an Octatrack and an SP2400 incoming). Probably overkill, though I really hate buying samples and like to design everything myself, itā€™s a waste of the performance side, though I really just want access to nice drums, is that crazy?

If you really want access to nice drums and have already samplers, there is always a way to design samples on your own. Beside myriads of free sample packs. Sure, the tr-6s could deliver (with that fm too) a lot of xtra sounds, but have you ever thought of vcv-rack and designing your own sounds? Itā€™s quite fun and does not rip your money.
Resources for this are plenty available. Perhaps such things lead to new horizons :wink:
etc. etc.
I think boxes like the tr-6s or digitakt are more designed to get your hands on and not as sound module, but you will get fast and good results, thatā€™s sure.