Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Ok. Seems Roland doesn’t pay much attention then (or doesn’t care).

I’ve had drivers from audio gear (IIRC both were usb audio interfaces) that didn’t have a valid digital signature, but it used to possible to just click ‘install this software driver anyway’.

But apparently Microsoft changed that in 2019 already and the workarounds required probaply don’t make most users all to comfortable.

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an old one i did back when i had a 8-S.
all 8-6 on a very rainy day.


Anyone switch out their 8s for a digitakt? Any regrets? 8s is a great machine, but I’m finding it taking up too much desk space and I’m really feeling pulled towards the takt.

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Heh, I’m feeling similarly pulled toward Elektron but for a Rytm, and unsure if I’d regret it.

Actually, yes. I bought a Digitakt with the idea of it replacing the 8-S.

However, good as the digitakt is, I dont find it as much fun as the 8-S, nor as easy to use.

11 voices available concurrently, loads of really good effects, faders, loads of knobs, FM sythesis, ACB synthesis, samples, really nice filters, the compressor is brilliant, soft clipper on the out put, trigger outs, individual outs, kits saved separately or with patterns, 8 bar phrases, fillins, step loop, dedicated trigger out sequencer lane, velocity sensative pad, digitakt can’t match any of that. Its just a different beast.

So, I’m selling the digitakt, and keeping the 8-S.


I traded up from a TR-8S to an AR2 and haven’t regretted it for a moment. The 8S is a lot of fun to jam on but I prefer working on the AR.


I think the Rytm would be the better comparison… obvs price point is a big difference though.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve already got an OT but it only really has 4 tracks available for samples since I’m using it with a master track, 2 thru’s and one for live sampling. I like the digitone workflow and I really like the form factor. 8s is lots of fun to play but I really don’t enjoy building kits and navigating the menu.

I’ve considered an AR, but I prefer the idea of the DT because I feel like it is closer to the DN workflow.

DT is more practical and more “progressive”, but 8s is still fun… decided to keep both, but use DT much much more ie on live shows…

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I’m really trying to stick with what I’ve got and spend my time learning and practicing, but the DT just looks like so much damn fun. The workflow looks great and very familiar, coming from DN. I was watching the official workflow video with Cenk and he’s really got me jonesing for one. (He should continue to receive royalties for each unit sold : - )

The 8s is really great though. The last update really kicked it up a notch. Kits with TR and FM sounds are really fun to play and motion record. The “play step mode” is also really great for improvisation. Really wish the drum pitch (note) could be seen and locked in with the option to assign that knob to another function. Probability would be a welcome update. I’d likely miss it though…

I’m more than sure that they will add probability and some other cool things closer to the end of summer (like 08/08 ), last two years they came out with nice updates around that time… I talked to some Roland managers / insiders on fb and they confirmed that some updates are definitely planned.

So it’s really fun machine to play with and it is kinda gift for those who spend years with TR series in the past and want to continue experience this workflow. It definitely has a bit of that magic. I literally don’t use it to produce music, but enjoy taking it to jams, some spontaneous live sets etc…

Do I really need it? - No!
Do I like it and have a good time with it? - 100%

So… Why not : )


Continued updates would be welcome. Easier chromatic sample playing would be fun. P-Locking user samples too.

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Samples P-Locking - I doubt, it’s too complicated for this type of design, but I hope for user assignable Alt Sounds (some of the factory sounds already have additional alt sound). So 2 sounds per instrument isn’t really bad. With 11 instruments it’s a lot …

Also my hopes for user assignable Tune / Decay knobs and ability to automate 3 custom parameters.

Probability is definitely coming. It’s already in mc707 and tr06 so good chances it will show up in Tr8s as well.

Hopefully some minor workflow updates like shift steps left / right, more useful button shortcuts, maybe more efx, more sounds. I really would love to see more LFOs, better 1 LFO per sound, ability to modulate sample start, faster LFOs and “loop mode” for synthesis, but I doubt it will work out … Anyway, Roland say “please be patient” :slight_smile:

Please take this with a grain of salt, it’s all just my guesses based on conversations with Roland support, some talks on Roland forums and fb groups. But I think most of it is highly likely.


I won’t hold my breath, but that all sounds great. I do hope they continue to update and add features. I still want a ‘takt though. Damnit…

One LFO per track would really open it up. Id really like to see flanger/phaser as an insert FX too, its basically useless as a master FX. Unless youre doing goofy DJ nonsense.



Theres 1 thing which is really annoying… I still don’t understand why we have to press Shift + instr to enter sound editing, what’s the deal about this shift? Why it can’t be just instr? And for instr list - it can b just the first unit in this menu…

Asked Roland 1000000 times, hope it will b changed… there are other important functions that have to b accessible without shift button…

But Roland would not be Roland if they made streamlined intuitive user interfaces :wink:


I accidentaly came around a YT video from Sand Puppy. The content is a bit crazy for my ears, but man, the sounds coming out of the machine and the way he is handling it….I was just shocked. He is using it like true musical machine and not like drum machine. Anyone with TR8s interest should check him out. Again, not my cup of tea, but did learn a lot,

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