Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

It sounds just fine as you describe it but in real use it doesn’t work well.

This Roland instruments are audio interfaces, but DAWs can only use one interface at a time so you can only connect a single device. There are work around on MacOS like agregating devices but that introduces latency and stressed the CPU. And you may have crippled your other (main) audio interface capabilities.

The way elektron and Access have done it it is the right way, a plugin streams audio, it doesn’t need to be used as an interface, you can use these devices and you own audio interface, and while it uses some CPU it is way more stable.

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It‘s not an Octatrack :joy:

Oh man, stereo samples too? I’m a big fan of this.

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… functionality aside, I just can’t get behind the look and feel of green/neon Roland equipment …


Like that one? Which even in its battered state got sold for a higher price than a fully functional TR-8 would fetch right now? :rofl:

24bit/96kHz digital-to-analogue converters so looks like you can import wave at 96khz!!!

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I think I will need to invest in a bigger table soon.



this looks cool functionally, I just wish it looked cooler in general. Needs sex appeal

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I think it looks great. Dim the lights right down … maybe set to a tasteful red colour. Lovely :blush:

We can currently watch how hard it actually is to implement this featureset here at Elektron. This is not a rant, just an observation. Maybe Roland can be succesful because their system only has to work with one hardware configuration and not with countless OS/cpu/host configurations.

the syncussion seems to be just a decorative element but hey, its a presentation… looking forward for getting my hands as soon as it hits the stores!

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Wow. It appears Roland took nearly every gripe about the TR-8 to heart.

This thing has loads of pattern memory and features for $699. It’s like an R8 Ultimate!

I’d only they made it a little smaller / more portable. It’s about an inch in both directions larger than a Rytm MK2.
But nothing is perfect.


Pretty cool. But when even a humble sub-$100 Pocket Operator can handle live sampling through either line-in or built-in mic easily and can fit that into an accessible workflow, it looks a little silly that it’s not included here. Everything else seems good. With other companies increasingly offering “p-lock”-style sequencing, it starts becoming worthwhile to investigate how exactly the p-locking is implemented. Not all p-locking is the same, and Elektron has a special knack for doing it right that other companies often can’t replicate.

Looks good for performing live with the fader per channel and separate outs… but i still like having separate pads to play on.

Had one it was junk sold it

Buy the MBP! One of my best gear purchases of all time. Just make sure your converters can handle that thing’s massive output.


Wow, I think Roland hit it out of the park. I’ve regretted selling my TR-8 and getting the TR-08 and 9, and now I’m considering this, even though I just upgraded my Rytm to a mk2.

The TR-8S does seem more performance friendly - the TR-8 was/is butt simple to use, and my primary issue with it has been resolved - the lack of memory.

And 3 dedicated fill tracks - 3! Hear that Elektron? Having to share fill conditions with the regular track is no-bueno.

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8 new US eBay listings already today. :laughing:


Looks like it’s time to move the DT on to a new owner… This looks great!