Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

These are great tips but at the risk of asking a painfully obvious question, how do you save the changes you make in the Utility menu? Shift + Write doesn’t seem to work except on a pattern and kit level. It is absolutely maddening that I have to spend ~30 seconds in the Utility menu every time I turn the machine on to switch EXT IN to Mono and various other preferences…

Its in the manual.
Write, choose SYSTEM.


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aand its gone

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Yeah. But should be out soon though.

Wasnt that interesting video. Im more curious if it can help with making Pattern - Kit template. It takes a lot of time to make a 1 to 1 with kits and patterns manually on this box.

I did this over the course of a couple of hours then saved a default template backup. Hoping this editor makes things as easy as click-n-drag.

Next, I hope they fix the tails being cutoff and external input dropout on kit change.

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I only did half the patterns and kits. And now i need to do the other half. But i never do, and just write over the same pattern every time. Talk about laziness. haha.

Wow. This editor is somehow way cooler than I imagined that it would be. Available now via Roland Cloud.


Might be useful for some, but I cant see any use for this myself. It does exactly the same things I can already do on the TR8-S, but from a computer, looking at a screen and using a mouse. Its bascially double handling.


That’s kind of how I feel about Overbridge. Nice to have, not really for me, but certainly helps resale value.

I used the Virus TI plugin for a while, but always found it frustrating to open a DAW project that required a massive dongle. In the box, Massive was good enough. But the Virus, A4, and TR-8s are really great devices to just jam with on headphones.


Yep, unfortunatelly the only really usefull thing I would use it for - user sample import via drag /drop to the interface and then building user kits - not available. At least for now … maybe there is a easy way to access the card from the UI and drag it then to the kits. Hmmm will need to check this out …


I had a play with the editor this morning and think it is amazing. I feel that the TR8s is best when you make you own kits and it was a bit annoying to do before.

Setting up the kits is so much better now.


Exactly what i think :+1:


That’s why i use gear, instead of computer


Personally, I’m glad this exists. I don’t use the computer to make music, but I do find managing my kits and patterns to be tedious on that tiny screen. I’m looking forward to trying it.


borrowed a friends for a bit


@Fin25, he does a bit of a Gabe, but around the 8 minute mark, distortions overdrives etc. Nice stuff.

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Yeah, watched it. Like it.

There’s a bit of a pattern forming between @blushresponse doing a demo video and me buying it.


What’s a Gabe?

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I think it is very nice to quickly rename patterns, kits and go deep with the instrument and fx parameters. But I wouldn’t use it much for sequencing much as that is way quicker on the hardware. Nice to be able to see the sequences of all instruments at once though