Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Shorthand for doing a demo video with gear you’re not super familiar with.


Look, stop with the Gabe talk.

He seems to be a great guy and as far as not being familiar with gear, his Circuit videos for which he’s most known, he’s very proficient with.

This is approaching bullying and doesn’t feel like something we should engage in on Elektronauts, especially not from some of the more influential and respected Nauts here.


You are right @circuitghost. I removed my comment and hereby my sincere apologies

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Shorthand for doing a demo video with gear you’re not super familiar with.

I actually think this is a very interesting approach to review. And especially with gear that is first and foremost made to perform/jam. It’s not opposed to more in-depth reviews, it’s complementary (like how immediate it is, ergonomic qualities, etc).

Thanks Joey @blushresponse, your reviews are great. Keep it up !



i think first impressions of having never used something are important because everyone who buys a piece of gear goes through this when they get it home.

also it shows how good the TR8s is that I was able to get something going quickly on it without ever having used it before



BTW, it’s both you and @Fin25 's fault that I bought a DFAM (and thank you for that :wink: ). Looking forward for your review of the Edge now !

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Absolutley. My comment was not a criticism at all.
If it helps, shift + encoder = knob. No more endless turny turny.

I really like my TR8-S, and yeah, changing the tone of the distortions is a lot of fun. The compressor is heavy too.

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Just tried the TR-Editor. I had high hopes that it would make it easier to move/copy kits and patterns. But i havent found a way to do that. It seems that it is locked, so if you change kit on either the editor or the Tr-8s, they always mirror eachother. Too bad as i want to set up 1 pattern, 1 kit template.

Anybody done something like this with the editor?

Do you mean you want to have kit and pattern saved together? And then be able to copy paste to a new pattern location?

If so: in pattern settings, Kit SW ON.

Write your pattern, edit your kit. Save the kit to a kit location, name it. Then shift + write to save kit and pattern together. Now you can copy paste this anywhere. If you edit the kit and want to save the edit as a new kit, save it to a new kit location as above. Basically bullet proof method.

No idea on the editor. Havent used it.

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What i want is to set it up so it works like the Elektrons. Where kit and patterns are “locked”. So i dont mess up a pattern if i change something on the kit.

But it was a bit time consuming the first time i did it. And i only did like 32 patterns/kits. So was hoping for something that could speed up the process.

You mean the later elektrons right, like digitakt/tone etc. Well that’s not how it works. Kits and patterns have their own discreet save locations. Unless Roland do a firmware update that allows that, the closest you’ll get is write + save, but you still need to edit and save kits.

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Yeah, i know it doesnt behave like that. But with alot of “copying” kits, and save patterns with a dedicated kit will behave like the elektrons.

I was just hoping the editor could help.

Nice workaround. Thx

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I will answer to myself. Thanks to Peter on his CDM site for pointing to a solution

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Is anyone else having issues resizing the editor window on a laptop screen? I can’t seem to get the whole thing to fit and there doesn’t seem to be a scroll.

Otherwise this editor is super useful. Cheers to Roland for getting it out there.

Yes, this happens on my MacBook Pro 2015 as well. I increased the screen resolution once, then it worked. But is not a solution.

How much can you edit samples on the TR-8s? Is it more a sample player or can you for example stretch a file like with the rate knob of the Octatrack?

There’s no time stretch, but you can change the playback rate, reverse it, filter, stereo spread, bit crush, add fx etc

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Damnit I sold my MINT TR-8S months ago for $549 and now I want to buy one again. They went up in price lol.

Aw man… that’s too bad. Hopefully whatever you bought with the funds also appreciated in value.