Rumour: new Korg Volca(s)

Man, I have a keys, and it just gathers dust. Time to blow the dust off, I suppose! It makes great sounds, but I never got my head around the sequencer. I do think it would make for good digitakt fodder, though. Time to extract what I can out of it…


I never use the sequencer for the keys. I sequence it with my elektron stuff and treat it like a module. Plocks really open it up.

Word - that sounds like a great idea. P-locks work over midi? (I’m still somewhat of a noob with elektron gear).

If you have a Digitakt or an Octatrack, yes. The Analog Four and the Rytm cannot sequence MIDI.

(I have no experience with older gear like the Machinedrum/Monomachine, but I believe they have MIDI tracks too.)


Yes, MIDI plocks do work, but only the OT, DT, and MNM are able to sequence external gear.

Edit: and the MD
Always forget it has midi out

& the MD.

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agree…Keys after one year of using the high frequency signal is slightly distorted. on the other hand the FM is golden. the bass is dead and beats is retired for its underwhelming capabilities. But I am looking forward to this new device.

I’d love a VolcaTribe…

Basically two Volca Bass and a Volca Beats in one box with a three track sequencer. Maybe even add that lofi delay from the monotron at the end of the chain!

That would definitely be a cool product. Like a souped up Monotribe.


I don’t want a volca this or a volca that… One that does this type of synthesis, one that covers another sound source.

I want to see some thought and design go into these small boxes so that it becomes something new… Possibly where its name isn’t the sound it makes.

Maybe that’s not the point at all.

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Don’t like the Volca range 1 bit
Prefer Korg to release a a proper instrument like a Radias 2 with wavetable, FM and physical modelling

Volca live looper and fx box. Somewhere between an SP and a Kaoss Pad sans XY pad.


God damnit I want a radias so much… not sure if it could do anything my nord lead + modular can’t, apart from the effects, but it sure would look pretty in my rack.

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Mmm…not sure i would call the Radias pretty with all those glaring lights.
I find it’s appearance rather cluttered, busy, and those narrow knobs with backlights make it look tacky.
Definite room for improvement in a Radias 2

Volca analog tape delay, pleeeaase.


The MS2000 was more of a looker.

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Not for everyone I guess but I like it because it looks like a spacecraft control panel :smiley:

lol, I’ve had the opposite conversation with a friend about this… he considers his MS2000 to be super ugly.

Even if there are better options now, the volcas still get the job done. Im playing a rytm in a project that uses volca bass and keys (sometimes two volcakeys) as main instruments, and they work rather well. Just a smidgeon of mackie overdrive to shave off the plasticy vibe and it works. Nobody has came to us after a gig slagging off that there were volca synths on stage :diddly: But I do admit its easy to diss the volcas just cause there are way more feature laden instruments out there that are also cheap.


Yeah, If they could do a version of the Bastl Thyme for cheap, that would be pretty dope.


Yeah. The volcas strike a great balance between fun, flexibility, price, portability, and good sound. I can’t think of anything else I can make sketches on the bus with and then bring back home and hook up to an Elektron for MIDI parameter lock madness. They seem like great starter gear, too - I would have been thrilled to have the volca sample when I was 16.