Rumour: new Korg Volca(s)


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It could be so perfect. But i guess they probably produce a volca mixer. Because often requested from volcaniers who got just hooked with those machines and already donĖ‹t have one. And people how like to perform outdoors). This Image is just a CG ā€œfakeā€ from a fan!


I donā€™t mind the noisy outputs on my volcas or even the really noisy monotrons but a mixer would have to be low noise right? Cost implications

$299 - $499 is the price range to aim for imo. Look at what they managed to do with the Monologue.

But whatever they do, they have to think about the basics. Korg is awful at that. Like if thereā€™s going to be patterns and the ability to save them, make it possible to transition between them smoothly.

I despise that the new Electribes are unable to perform the simple feat of switching patterns without glitching out the effects or abruptly stopping all samples from playing. Itā€™s also super lame that patches/sequences canā€™t be chained or changed seamlessly on the Monologue or Minilogue.

Iā€™d rather pay twice as much for something to be ten times more useful.

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Volca 2600


Iā€™ve never encountered any problems with smooth transitions between patterns on the Volca Bass. Are the other Volcas bad at this?

it would certainly be nice to have more steps and/or more memory slots though, but thatā€™s not likely to happen.

Itā€™s also super lame that patches/sequences canā€™t be chained or changed seamlessly on the Monologue or Minilogue.

Thatā€™s really not good!

Korg M1 EX as a volcaā€¦ One can dream.

Iā€™m a big fan of the Volca Beats - once you add the cap to fix the snare itā€™s the perfect MD companion - pure gritty analog goodness. Not sure where they can take analog side of the platform from here, especially as Tats seems to have bailed out.

Most important for me: I can stay in bed with the Volcas and jam with them.

I have some of them in the house of my mother, so when Ć­m going to visit her for a few days i can use them.

They are noisy. If I record a Track then i use in 95% other Synthesizer/Drum machines and of course OT.

I take them outdoors, without being afraid That something is going to break. (Tip: You can fit two Volcas in a Kaoss Pad casing, the fit perfectly).
I would have panic when taking my expensive hightend gear outdoors.

Of course I could just make music on my I pad but the Volcas are way more fun. Plus the limitations bring me always a this challenge to make them sound as good as possible together.

Kids today have the possibility, to buy a sampler and a Analog or Digital synth for 300ā‚¬! If I had Kids i would buy one ore two Volca as presents. (Hoping that they donā€™t like them and I can use it :wink: )


Why everyone complin i volcas ae noisy? The only prob Iā€™ve ever had is the ~18kHz whine of the volca keys, which is quite easy to get rid of with any decent digital equalizerā€¦

Are you using batteries or the official PSU? How are you cabling them up?

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Yeah we are absolutely spoiled today and yet we complain about everything made for us. For $2000 one could get a desk full of analog drum machines, synths, samplers and sequencers. Itā€™s almost surreal to me how good we have it right now as music makers.


Maybe itā€™s a daft idea but Iā€™d love a renewed interpretation of an ARP 2600 with a sequencer. Not as a Volca though of course, more like the odyssey they brought out.


Iā€™ve bought a Volca Sample to my daughter and a Volca Keys to my son. Theyā€™re 7 and 3 and theyā€™re loving their little marvels from KorgšŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s pretty cool! I work as an art teacher and i can say that kids who have creativ parents tend to become more creative be themself. Supporting your kids this way is probably the best thing you can do. In twenty yeahrs your kids maybe find those and look at them like we look at old vintage gear. ā€œThats how music was made before the nano age has begunā€.

sorry for my bad english, itĖ‹s not my native language.


Our smartphones have more computing power than all supercomputers did together 30 years ago! We have more entertainment than the most powerful kings ever had! Nevertheless, we want more and more ā€¦


Supposedly an iphone6 is millions of times more powerful than the guidance systems that sent Apollo 11 to the moon which cost 3.5 million dollars, were the size of a car, and two were required per rocketā€¦
They also have access to most of the cumulative knowledge of the human race.
People use them mostly to send abbreviated text and smiley faces to each otherā€¦ :grinning:


Maybe thatā€™s why your message cuts through so well :blush: thanks for sayingā€‹:blush:

And they crash all - the - time. Appleā€™s QA could do with some astronaut discipline.

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I began music much later in life than I would have preferred. My family came from very modest means so I didnā€™t have the opportunity to start on music until I was 19 when I started buying synths. My wife and I are both fortunate to have had good careers and we agreed that it was important for our boy to be literate in music. At 12 he can play shit I cannot. Iā€™ve been writing and recording for 20+ years, he has been doing the same for 6. Iā€™m glad weā€™ve had the resources to support him. I can still blow his mind with my oil paintings though. Hehe. :wink:


I wasnā€™t plugging Apple :sweat_smile:
Feel free to replace "iphone6 "with ā€œany modern smartphoneā€ā€¦

I hear a modern toaster even has more processing power than the Apollo guidance systemsā€¦ :grinning:

So back to topic, it seems the new volcas could be modded to fly to the moon?

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