Rytm has a burned LCD

The adjustment of the contrast has in my case fixed the pixel interference.
And itā€™s not necassary to take the boards apart completly.

1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply!
2. Remove the front panel and on the back you will find the inscription: Contrast.
3. Now you can adjust the Contrast poti very carefully from behind with a fine screwdriver.
4. Then reassemble, switch on and test.


Iā€™m currently having this same exact issue on a used Analog Four mk1 I bought. Itā€™s in almost the same exact spot, on the right side, hardly a coincidence IMO. I doubt itā€™s still under warranty, I wonder how much it will cost me to send it back (and how long it will be gone).

My display looked really bad. Ordered already a replacement display from Elektron. Tried the contrast adjustment first although I did not think it could save it, but it totally did!

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Thanks, it helped me too :smiley:

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Yes, adjust the Trim for contrast andyou are done. Did this on my a4 two days ago. Perfect!

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Will this work on an Analog Four MK1 perhaps?

I was already scheduling the support with Elektronā€¦

to my delight I tried to open the unit and realized I managed to remove exactly ONE of the screws as all the others were properly ā€œdamagedā€ or torn, showing that the previous owner (got used) already been there, and didnā€™t have the appropriate keyā€¦

edit: opened it up and no visible contrast trimmer. not feeling like taking the internal board off

You have to dislocate the frontplate from the upper board. The trimmer is right beside the lcd. Are these screws washed out? If they are not too heavy screwed in, you can try a plier maybe?

I managed to open it, but I found no trimmerā€¦ I donā€™t have access to the LCD unless I remove internal screws and Iā€™m a bit afraid of messing the buttons if I do thatā€¦thereā€™s an internal board that squeezes the buttons and the lcd screen in the A4. Should I just unplug the internal board too?IMG_7013 (2) photo on proper angle

Yes, i did this a few days ago by standing the open a4 like yours on the side / vertical. so i could let the board plugged in and unscrew the board from the faceplate without something crashing. Quite easy. no fear, just unscrew, put the faceplate apart and adjust the trimmer (i did adjusting while the a4 was powered so i can see the effect on the display - be careful and donĀ“t touch anything inside)

I just tried it and the internal screws are really tight. Iā€™ll get some Philips connectors for my electronic screwdriver and Iā€™ll report back in a few daysā€¦

Meanwhile Iā€™ll leave it on. I noticed that in Test Mode the display seems to be trying to expand to the area that is blank on the LCD test and I might leave it there for a few hoursā€¦ Mine has been sleeping for 2 years before this problem lol.

I opened it up and no trimmers on the inside back of the boardā€¦ only twi tips at the side of the LCD, are those the trimmers?
edit: found itā€¦ I messed so much with the tips at the right, I hope I didnā€™t damage anything. the contrast pot is at the bottom left of the picture. display is not 100%, there is some colour difference, but I guess Iā€™m gonna save the shipping to Swedenā€¦ thanks alot

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Done and working fine!!! Thanks!


My AR mk1 display also developed severe discoloration on the right side.
Will open it tonight and try to adjust the contrast trimmer, hopefully this should do it.
If that canā€™t solve the issue will just order a replacement from Elektron along with some encoders to fix my OT.

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I have the same problemā€¦ @Skope could you report the result?

Thx so far

Itā€™s like newā€¦ adjusted the contrast trimmer to max (all pixels black) and then slowly turning it backā€¦no more LCD shadows.

And since got it opened also fixed the pads.

Thanks everyone and happy new year.


Unfortnunately my AR MK1 seems to also have the LCD cancer thing after some time spend in storage without use, Iā€™m considering to take a look inside and try to adjust the contrast trimmer, do you have any recommandations concerning the procedure ?

Reviving an old thread as I seem to have encountered similar screen issues after taking my MK1 RYTM out of storage. Sounds like leaving it on for a while helps many users. Planning to start doing that, quick question for folks. When leaving it on are you leaving it on one of the parameter screens or are you leaving it on in test mode either blank or filled?

I just bought a second hand Analog Rytm MK1 which hasnā€™t been used in a couple of month and had dark spots as well on the display. This guide did the job and the screen is now good as new. I didnā€™t need to let the machine run over night nor did I use the test mode, as other users mentioned. Many thanks @esgibtsie!

I labored under this issue since I bought my Rytm used about 5 years ago, and it was getting progressively worse with a large section of the screen getting darker and darker

however i also simply removed the front panel, adjusted the internal contrast knob until it was much more readableā€¦ but then some weeks later after using it daily, the screen is now 100% perfect like new, as if it has healed itself or regenerated in some way

so thats encouraging if you also have this issue - its definitely worth a shot