Rytm has a burned LCD

I’m also experiencing a dark spot on my A4mk1 screen after lighter use.

I’ve left it on in test mode to burn in for 12hours now and there’s very very small improvement.

Has anyone else been able to remedy the issue by simply leaving it on for days? Or should I try the contrast knob option under the hood? Thank you all for sharing your experiences!

Leaving it on for days worked for me Probably worth trying before you have a go at some of the more involved solutions

That’s interesting, I have an almost identical smudge/burn- never though of leaving it on for days will try this weekend.

Hi All, I had this same issue with my ARmk1. While I hadn’t come across this thread and its recommendations for fixing this issue, it seems to have fixed itself over time. I too hadn’t fired the AR up for a bit and when I did I was very concerned about the dark smudge. Since then I’ve been using it regularly and it its now basically back to normal. So while I didn’t leave it on for a few days straight, I was back to working with it regularly/daily.

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The contrast adjustment improved the screen for me with my Analog Keys - real bitch to get to the adjustment pot - had to fully disassemble and reassemble a few times to get it legible - just needs a very subtle turn clockwise. Could do with one further tweak - but risk damage every time it’s apart.

Gah. My AK has been (essentially) in storage for about a year. …and now I have the same shadowing issue, right in the middle of the display. I can hardly read the text.

Rytm and A4 seem to have survived the experience better.

Only difference to the way they were stored, is that the AK was on its side.

Leave it plugged-in then do we reckon!?

Same here :frowning: after some months of storing…

Stop leaving your Elektron boxes unused it makes them sad


Some projects demand certain kit and not others I’m afraid. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well at the very least turn it on to let it know you still care

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Left the AK on for a couple of days. Changed the menu a few times, to vary what’s on-screen. Power off all of last night and powered up this morning and it’s mostly cleared the shadow.

Strange behaviour. Does anyone know the reason why these screens do this?

Hay, so i read this thread a bit and wondered what i should do in my case. My Rytm Display is a bit faded out on the right side. Does this mean i need a replacement or can i just turn up the contrast. If the latter is the case, I’d higly appreciate if someone can point out again how i can increase the contrast of the display.
As always, thanks a lot for your advice:)

omg we need a tamagotchi build in every machine… when not cared about the main output gets bitreduced more and more…

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I found that leaving the machine on for a long time (days) and changing the screen regularly seemed
to mostly fix it. several others have had the same experience


If you scroll back 20 posts you’ll find a very helpful screenshot and explanation. :slight_smile:

Out of no where, seemingly, my Rytm has an annoying line running through the middle of the screen. It isn’t completely clear on the picture, but in person when looking directly at the screen it’s impossible to avoid. Worst of all it has a weird depth to it, which makes using the synth beyond taxing on your eyes. I haven’t see anything other instances of this happening. Does anyone have any experiences with this, and if so were you able to rectify?

I can’t say with 100% certainty but it looks like some form of screen burn-in or other lcd internal bleeding. Unfortunately the way you resolve that is replacement.

if you want to take a chance, there is probably a way to unplug the screen from the board and plug it back in to see if there is any result but in a recent thread someone was very upset that they followed Elektron care instructions to do that and the issue became “worse”.

I mean I’m not going to just say replace your screen with no further knowledge of what brought this on but that’s probably the solution here, unfortunately. there’s a few threads with pics of A4 screen burn if you search that term I think.

I saw that thread and that was enough to keep my hands out of the inside. Its so strange as it wasn’t there but a few days ago. I’ve had this sucker long enough so I can’t complain about having to replace the screen, but I’d like to know a bit more about the cost associated first, as well as a reputable repair shop.

Yes, I can’t imagine it would get better but it would probably accelerate any leakage.

I can only assume that care knows what they’re doing, but it’s not my call to make. I think an out of warranty device will be given a vague repair estimate but that’s probably the best option at this point, eh?