Science Lab Challenge, February 2015

I believe that`s a kind of resampling.

obviously that’s not allowed, you have to have one entire sample loaded in a slot, then you are at the mercy of the AR’s resolution and methods of manipulating it !

No, this isn’t allowed.
No destructive manipulation of the sample is allowed.

It’s roughly 97,5 hours left until deadline and here is a little update.

“How will you judge the entries?” a question that’s been asked a few times in the thread and deserves a little clarification.

We will judge the entries on the merits of ‘good vibes’ and what we perceive as musical quality. No points will be rewarded for technical trickery unless it results in a better tune.

Secondly, we’d like to share all tracks and sysex files as downloads, not just the final three. This is of course not mandatory (unless you are one of the final three), but if you’d like to be a part of it, please submit your sysex file together with your track.

obviously that’s not allowed, you have to have one entire sample loaded in a slot, then you are at the mercy of the AR’s resolution and methods of manipulating it ![/quote]
Darn, suspected so after rereading thread.
Will have to rework, now time is breathing down my neck; we’ll see if I finish :sob:
Thanks for quick reply :joy:

I read yesterday the directions, thanks for your response.
Another question:

I can use the internal analog rytm compressor o bit reduction in the sample?

if I use the Octatrack,
I can only use the samples that comes by default?
or I can take a sample of my synths?

Thank you

Sure, you can use as much internal bit reduction and compression as you like.
Regards to samples, you can only use the one sample provided, no other samples at all are allowed. Every sound must be created from manipulating the provided sample (in non-destructive ways). If something is unclear, please read the thread or ask another question.

Does the sysex file save the sample mappings too or do you need some notes saved with the file? I’ve got the sample mapped to 3 static and 3 flex machines with different looping points etc.

And what do You mean with sysex file . You mean the ableton file where It is made in

No. The project file in your elektron machine.

one question you can only use the sample without modification but the song has to be created from the sample (chop slice and modify) or in my case i have an ar

you load the sample in (8machines) and the other 7 machines you make your bass ,cymbals ,snares or only make sounds from the chopped up sample

and how do you send the sysex file ?

The only sound source you can use is the sample.
It must be loaded into your AR whole, without any pre-processing…
Once it is in your AR you can process it however you like.
You cannot use any synthesis machines.
That includes bass, cymbals, snares.

fredrikalm. i sent you yesterday a private message with my track…i have to wait your response by private message or how do i know you received it correctly? I don’t know if you downloaded correctly the mp3 because the first link doesn’t work…

Does the sysex file save the sample mappings too or do you need some notes saved with the file? I’ve got the sample mapped to 3 static and 3 flex machines with different looping points etc.[/quote]
Do “COLLECT SAMPLES” on your Octatrack. Read more on page 31 of the manual for information.

I’m in the process of downloading entries, most have not gotten a reply yet. My goal is to have replied and acknowledged by tomorrow.

And How do You send Your sysex file with the AR?

Kind of a grey zone here. If i chop the sample (trim i think) but the sample is unmodified otherwise, is that ok or should i reload the full sample and change it’s start/end positions?

Sorry for the nagging question…

Look under “SYSEX DUMP” on page 54 of the manual.

Yeah, that would be considered destructive manipulation of the sample and not okay according to the rules.