Science Lab Challenge, February 2015


please give me an answer to my question about slices; slices loop and so on, it’s near from mistex one , i m ready to work but putting loop from slices menus and others points mentionned t change drastically the way to dive …
Thanks :slight_smile:

Laughing at all the: “The rules say you can’t do this but I did it anyway, is that ok for the contest…please answer ASAP?” type questions.

Musicians, like trying to herd cats.

very good ! that will make me definitely a winner !
but at the moment i ask myself if i should tidy up my projekt and delete
all unused patterns/parts/banks … or not?
at the one side i think i should do that but on the
other side it might be interesting to see some ideas that
didn´t make it into the final track too…(the odd ones, the garbage, etc…)
what do you think ?

Yep, looked at the question. All ok.


Cool ! thanks for reply !

Just a quickie - apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn’t see it…

If recently got the AR, and as a result I’m not too familiar with the Chain or Song modes -

So… Can I do a live take of the track and record this? As that would mean the sysex file wouldn’t have the arrangement of the track enclosed?

By live take I mean; triggering scene as sections of the track and recording the output.

one last question:

i hit record on my recording device,
plug in my octatrack
let play a endless loop of the provided sample
take a sledge hammer and kill the machine
press the stop button at 2:59

within the rules ? yes or no ?
(sysex file saved before that action :wink: )

LOL, can’t you add an extra second of silence? :slight_smile:

Yeah you can do that! You don’t need to use the arranger if you just want to manually change patterns and use the performance macros.


Yeah you can do that! You don’t need to use the arranger if you just want to manually change patterns and use the performance macros.[/quote]
Thank you very much for this confirmation!
So I can just have a load of scenes and patterns ready and then do a live take and record :slight_smile: Great - as I won’t have time to learn the song or chain modes before the submission date due to having lots of work on…
Now I just hope that Elektron get back to me re: the two faults I’ve discovered with my machine whilst working on this project :frowning:

Hey guys, I’m unable to get a sysex from my AR to C6. I’ve done it with the A4 before OK. I’m going into Sysex send, C6 is on the desktop, AR is recognised by it and I’m clicking ‘Send Whole Project’ but nothing happens. Any clues?

Many thanks!

Obviously it would be good to sort this problem out anyway, but Sysex data will only be requested from the three winners, you don’t need to include it with your submission.

OK that’s cool. Thanks!

Yep - tried 2 different Mac’s, 2 different USB cables, updates the RYTM to the newest OS and got the newest C6s…still nuthing

if u win just send the whole machine to sweden…
for the record, never had any C6 issues in 10 years! its probably your computer at fault, good luck with it though

Nice one, yeah this is the first time I’ve ever had a problem with it. Getting stuff on to the AR has been fine, also getting stuff to and from A4 & MD

Hi there. Here a quick question:
Wondering if its allowed to use a Control machine (ctr-al) in the Machinedrum … i’m guessing it is since its not a synth engine? and is just for composing?

… but better make sure :slight_smile:


The output it MIDI settings was not set to ‘usb’ DOH!
