Science Lab Challenge, February 2015

Sorry for off topic here…

I was about to compete and even made my drums pattern then I spotted your avatar and nickname. Mate, I just have been demotivated big time lol. No chance I would make something better than your productions :slight_smile:
I remember when I heard your track “Don’t forget”, “High volume” about 3 years ago sitting with my best mate at our Woolwich flat.
Just wanted to say big thanks for your music and I hope you can win this competition![/quote]
Cheers mate!

I wouldn’t bet mine is going to be any good - I’ve never limited myself to a single sample before, let alone a spoken word one like this! I’m used to using the OT more like a module to record individual passages and then using stupid amounts of Ableton channels so this could be a bit of a challenge…

I’m in the middle of trying to promo a new album atm but I’m going to give it my best shot in my spare time - a free AR would be incredibly useful and this should be a good laugh :wink:

The preferred way is any way that let’s me download a MP3-320 version of the track quite rapidly, and named according to the template “[machine] - username - track name.mp3” (where [machine] is OT, MD or AR).
Good luck!

The preferred way is any way that let’s me download a MP3-320 version of the track quite rapidly, and named according to the template “[machine] - username - track name.mp3” (where [machine] is OT, MD or AR).
Good luck![/quote]
:+1: :slight_smile:

Wow, I’ve never seen so many consecutive questions in one thread :smiley:

good luck, everyone.

Sorry for off topic here…

I was about to compete and even made my drums pattern then I spotted your avatar and nickname. Mate, I just have been demotivated big time lol. No chance I would make something better than your productions :slight_smile:
I remember when I heard your track “Don’t forget”, “High volume” about 3 years ago sitting with my best mate at our Woolwich flat.
Just wanted to say big thanks for your music and I hope you can win this competition![/quote]
Cheers mate!

I wouldn’t bet mine is going to be any good - I’ve never limited myself to a single sample before, let alone a spoken word one like this! I’m used to using the OT more like a module to record individual passages and then using stupid amounts of Ableton channels so this could be a bit of a challenge…

I’m in the middle of trying to promo a new album atm but I’m going to give it my best shot in my spare time - a free AR would be incredibly useful and this should be a good laugh ;)[/quote]
I bet it’s going be fun, for everyone I guess, I will still do my best to come up with something, it’s just a great learning curve and experience and actually good test to see what can be squeezed out of the OT.
Nice to hear new stuff is coming out from you, I will keep an eye on it.
PS. yeah AR is nice piece of gear which would be awesome addition I bet!
All the best!

Ahah, I managed to have Hector saying my name !

Damn, only one week left…

Anyone finished yet?

not finished yet but i realize that the analog rytm is soo deeep! really the best machine i have ever owned! incredible what this sample can become by tweaking the knobs!! a drum kit a wobble bass some dub skanks… i don t know if i will have the time to finish my track but this contest bring me in depth of my machine, thanks elektron to propose this!!

YES! Exactly the same. I’ve got wobble bass, deep kick, snare, hats and all sorts out of the RYTM. The filters on it are crazy good! Had no idea this machine was capable of so much.

Would love to get something in on time - just got back from a trip to Johannesburg and going to Ottawa for a few days, so maybe I can do something next week (I don’t travel with anything other than my OP-1…hahaha, maybe an OP-1 entry???)

By the way, what does everyone else see for the "icon’ for this thread? I see the broken icon image as below (on Chrome). What is it supposed to be instead?

Wow, you asked all 3 of my remaining questions already.

Okay well I’ve just discovered editing a flex sample on T2 that uses the same competition sample as T1 will adjust the loop and start points on track 1 as well. There goes my funky bass line lol. Can’t believe in all this time I’ve only just discovered this haha.

The same sample or the same sample slot?

@Peter, One Sample, any slot.

Me too, i discovered sooooo much in just 30 minutes working with one sample… Not only is this challenge interesting in educational purpose for new owners like me but it makes you really go into the machine and find all it has!

Im taking a holliday next week just to work on this si-si-si-simple sampling devi-vi-vi-ce!

So here’s an aditional question: how will be the best submissions be judged? Originality, style, technique or just because it “sounds cool”?

Just for clarification (as an extreme example), there is nothing in the contest that could stop me from using patterns A01-P16 on the OT all using the same sample modified (excluding the audio editor) across all those parts and banks and meticulously edited in the Arranger?

And while it seems evident to me, since a lot of people have asked for clarification-for the Octatrack at least: all of the synthesis parameters on the main and secondary menus are fair game, correct? The Start and Rate parameters on the main page, and the Loop, Rate, Length etc. of the Playback menu, or setting up the Delay Control on the Master are ok, but using the Audio Editor to set loop points in the sample or resampling the Lab sample in any way is forbidden.

Having lots of fun just an hour in! I can post my mix in quad surround, right? :imp:

Yeah I grabbed my Rytm thinking it was going to be more limited with effects LFO’s etc and I was waaaaaaaaay wrong. Percussion from this voc sample is so good I will have a nice sample collection for other projects in my DAW. What a great opportunity for people to not only have fun but actually grain more knowledge with these boxes.

Can we use an external MIDI controller such as pot or fader controller while performing the final recording?

Yes, you can use all that.

naah, I think AikiGhost is a valuable asset to this forum (just my 2 ct)