Sequential Pro 3

Literally all you do is hold the select mod source twist the envelope then hold the select destination twist the same envelope(you want to apply it to itself), use positive or negative to make whatever curve you want. I dunno it takes something like 2 seconds once you’re used to it, how does the implementation work in the radias? I like that the Pro2 doesn’t require any menu diving for the initial set up of something like that.


Press the envelope button, choose 1 of the 5 available shapes for decay/release. It’s very straightforward.


I know
I know
I know
I know
I know
(a reply for each envelope)


I’m amazed envelope shape is this much of a problem… you have a wavetable morphing/2 VCO monosynth with a prophet 6 and OB-6 SEM filter, even a Moog filter, sequencer, FX… but LINEAR ENVELOPES RUIN IT? My goodness… I honestly don’t think you should buy synthesizers. What could possibly fit your criteria?

I’m sure the answer will be something comical like a CS-80. Cool. Pay a trillion dollars and pay your tech’s salary and housing while you’re at it.


“…in this case, that power comes in threes: three oscillators, three filters, three LFOs…”

Might be nice if they added three envelope shapes to that. :wink:

With @bwo’s trick you have nearly infinite shapes… I think that’s far better.


Some people get super hung up on not being able to change envelope curves with the most minimal amount of effort possible.

Honestly, I envy these people. If I had these hangups, it might save me the $1599 I don’t have but will still probably spend on this synth.

Not being cheeky, I don’t own a Blofeld because I hated the way the LFO section was only available through the modulation matrix. So I truly understand the hangups.


It’s an excellent synth either way. Having a few envelope shapes available as well seems convenient.

So you want each envelope to work on the exact same curve? I guess fair enough, I wouldn’t complain if they made a master setting for it. I do kind of feel like the Pro 2/3 is about having a huge pallet and ultimately it takes more time to make sounds when you are given more tools. There is always the option of saving an init patch with the envelopes curves set how you want… not the best solution but also if it bothers you that much it might be worth it.

hook up a maths to the cv ins badabing badaboom



This is torture… I still have to wait about a month before my SE arrives… These videos are tormenting me!

want one so bad :grimacing:

But then it will be so much sweeter when it arrives!

If I had space I’d definitely be up for getting one, and would definitely get the SE – looks so lovely. But I’d need to ditch my Grandmother, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that…


Didn’t the Evolver have a linear/exponential envelope option in the Global settings? It’s been a while since I used mine but I remember it being the only DSI synth with that option.

The ability to shape the curves is something I love about a lot of Eurorack envelopes. I find it a lot more controllable and musical than simple altering envelope time.

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I don’t think so (but could be wrong). I did a few of the later presets for it, at least I think I remember doing so, and the technique I used was to use two linear envelopes, one with a short decay, the other quite a lot longer. Then it was a matter of balancing the two envelope amounts and filter cutoff to achieve something vaguely zappy. Great synth but I grew tired of matrix-style interfaces and eventually sold it.

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Just checked the manual again and it was under the Misc. Parameters. This was on the Mono Keyboard version, so maybe it was something they added?

I agree it’s a great synth but I found I just stopped using it after a while. I was disappointed that the Pro 2 (and now the Pro 3) lacked the Evolver’s stereo filter configuration. I loved how 3-dimensional you could make it sound.


All the Evolver variants have the same sound engine and so they all include this option to switch the envelopes between “linear” and “exponential” shape.

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