Sequential Pro 3

haven’t been excited by much lately, but the Pro 3 definitely has caught my eye :diddly:
Well done sequential!

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Seems like a great synth for a great price.

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You are right, it is easy to forget how difficult actually building proper synth is, especially when I don’t know anything about it.

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i am not complaining, was just wondering why mr. Smith said what he said, and i know now why. Great synth.

My comments weren’t necessarily directed at you. I apologize if it seemed that way. I guess all the comments regarding this new synth (that I think is pretty cool) just got to me. Perhaps it’s all in the spirit of celebrating what the synth does have, vs. lamenting what it doesn’t have.

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Hey all, confirmed:

Pro 3 uses the Fatar TP/9S Keybed also used in the OB-6, Prophet-6, Rev2, and Prophet X.


Well, Dave Smith has used parallell filters on and off in many of his synths since the Evolver. I agree with you, if he’s not going for that this time, it’s likely he knows what he’s doing. I def prefer this route, three fantastic filters in one of the best sounding Sequentials ever, with an outstanding sequencer and both analogue and digital oscillators to go. It’s like a mutation of the Evolver❤️


My Dominion 1 is the only reason I’m resisting this.

I’d have asked Dave what his favourite envelope decay shape was. I’ve never heard anyone answer ‘linear’ to that - but on the strength of the five envelopes in my Pro 2 (and the Pro 3 envelopes apparently), maybe he likes 'em…

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Based on the Inhalt demo, this synth gets you closer to an Oberheim two voice than the OB6 imo

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The demo Jack at Anderton’s got is really compelling. The simplicity of setting up modulations and the sequencer is unreal. I’ve been contemplating a Dominion 1, but now this Pro 3 is starting to pull ahead in that race.

To wit:


Oh, no.


I had preorders for both the Modal Argon8 and MFB Synth Pro that I cancelled to preorder the PRO 3 instead. I’m enthralled by the evil sounds this beast is capable of.


I had always wished the Pro-2 could have been made into a module. 44 keys is a few too many for my needs and space limitations.

Hopefully this Pro-3 is popular enough to warrant a desktop version, but if it isn’t, the footprint is close enough to the AK that I could make due.


I hear you about the Pro 2 desktop that never came… and I guess I’m in the same boat as you for the Pro 3. If I survive my year of synth buying abstinence and seek to reward myself with a well earned luxury option. This could very well still be at the top of the pile.

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Well, I just pre-ordered the Pro 3 SE. Now the long wait…

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I’m sure it was the chipset and the filterboards for having the Curtis filter along with the SEM filter.

32 slots
46 sources
171 destinations

With all those destinations, who needs to vacation?


Reverb’s review, 1:32 onwards sounds very much like OB6, no surprises I guess.


Sonicstate sounds only, damn thats good

Trying to work out if it sounds as fat as my OB6 but I’m thinking it does.