Sequential Prophet 6

It’s the only synth I regret selling, especially as the proceeds went towards something I absolutely hated and re-sold within a week (Roland System-8). I was an idiot and had my head turned by the new big shiny thing. Listening back to the demos, I still think the P6 is the best sounding modern synth.

My studio space is smaller now and the big vintage synths I have simply don’t fit in here. Time to part with the old Juno 60 and Jupiter 6, and re-embrace the more compact Prophet 6 again. 4 octaves never seemed so right!


I love my Prophet 6, I use it mostly for bass. It has a such a huge sound and can be a bit of a bully in the mix :slight_smile:

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i am currently looking to part ways with my Virus C and get a Prophet 6, if i can snag a used one for a good price. tell me it’s a good idea (or if it’s a terrible idea, tell me that too hahah)

And 4 octaves are the only thing that makes my Prophet 6 seem so wrong;-)

I love it but i still feel after 4 years i have not fully embraced it. Definitely not parting with it and have made approx 600 presets (some stored, some sysex). There are many ways to use this synth in a mix…great bass included!

It’s a classic for sure and would not want a prophet 5 due to its limitations but i envious of its grown up kbd.

I do feel however that the module is also a very important thing to take into consideration as for some it will most definitely be the best option.

And if you havr a good VST conroller and want a decent Prophet style sound for. Some mix parts hen U-He might save you a ton of cash.


Entirely depends on what you want really.
I had the P6 for a short while then traded it for an OB6 (as that was the one I really wanted originally). They are both very limiting - minimal weird things you can do with just one LFO and the X-mod section.
However, both sound amazingly good and you tend not to need to do a lot of weird things. They do big fat basses, pads and standard sounds absolutely perfectly.

I’m not familiar with the VirusC at all so don’t know how it would compare.

it sounds more or less like what i am looking for then. I’ve had the Virus C for a number of years now, and it is fantastic for weird textures and drones and moods. it has a ton of modulation options, however i almost find like it’s too much sometimes; i spend too long programming a sound and then either it’s a very specific sound that i won’t likely use, or i end up defaulting to some of my previous sounds.


and here i am 20-something hours later, Virus C sold, and hunting for a Prophet 6 locally… I am in love with everything i’ve heard come out of the 6.

I did backup my patches from the C just in case i ever buy one back though…


Man, start throwing some external lfos and crazy modulation at the P6/OB6, you’ll wonder why anyone ever worried about the single dedicated lfo. Madness.
But even without that stuff, these two machines sound incredible.


That’s my next thing to try. It’s already hooked up to receive midi from my DN :wink:
To be honest though, it hasn’t bothered me too much yet. Just would have been nice to be able to use the modwheel for something a little more interesting - I tend to use up the LFO with something I don’t really want to alter, so the modwheel just sits unused.

There’s a very clear and present beauty from the Prophet 6, which I’ve not found elsewhere in any other instrument. It didn’t take me to all the places I wanted to go, but I certainly enjoyed trying, when I had it. I miss the sheer down to earth, raw honesty it radiates.


this, this just makes me want it so much more!

i am currently in the process of buying one actually… got a pretty great deal in the works, just ironing out the details. but i’m essentially getting a key version for the price of a used module… couldn’t say no…


aaaaand i bought it. i got a key version for approx. $2k USD so i think i got a good deal. especially for Canada


Congrats, that’s a really sweet deal ! Im ready to pull the trigger on one too. Unfortunately, unable to find a deal anything like that good !


thanks! i’m super excited! i feel like i won’t miss my Virus at all (and i suppose if i ever do, i can find one, and i dumped all my patches on my computer, so i have my sounds)

but i’m really looking forward to this. i’ve always wanted a Prophet, and i think between the 5 and the 6, the 6 is perfect for what i need.

hoping that the first few hours with it ends up inspiring me enough to get a new song out (wanting to write one more tune before i start working on the final steps of releasing my latest album)


Awesome, yeah I couldn’t resist any loner… i just literally pulled the trigger on one too. Yeah for me too the 6 is perfect for my needs, just that extra octave and it would be total perfection.

Also been lusting for one for way too long. Im sure it will provide a ton of inspiration and hope it helps you get your latest album released. :slight_smile:

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right on! congratulations!!mine will be here in a few days :slight_smile: i am super excited, and i couldn’t resist the deal i was able to get.

i am tempted to release my album now, because i’m very proud of what i have, but I will hold off. it will be worth it. i think it may even be the best material i’ve released.


it’s here!!! i love it!!! i spent a few hours last night with headphones on.
Can anyone send me the beta OS update? the sequential forum appears to be down :frowning:


Prophet 6 + some field recordings

(+ Eventide Space + Echo Boy)

and this is only 3 note chord playing over and over again with some modulation of the lfo and velocity and my 2 hands


Dear lord that’s some lovely stuff you did there, mate. Wonderful work.

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thank you so much!!!

Yes for me my P6 is just such an inspiring synth and I love it´s sound. And I never felt the lack of lfos because I always feel invited to turn knobs with my hands.