Sequential Prophet 6

A lot of new users comment about clicking attack, with fast Env attack settings, and so it’s been advised by many to back off the OSC and filter from the fully open init settings.
This is my standard start point.

Also, whenever I make a new patch, the last thing I do is introduce the HPF, even if it’s not part of my vision. Can sometimes add so much character.

For the best sounding Chorus ever, set unison to 6, Slop to around 10 o’clock (or where it just starts to go sloppy), and pan to 12 o’clock. Best results with monitors.
On that note, I’ll say that headphones don’t do the P6 or OB-6 justice.

Keep smiling


nice! thanks!

modulate the filter with OSC2 just a little bit and your chords will become even more acer as it takes the sound a little out of the sweetness. But I must say that I don´t use the distortion at all because it kicks in to heavy.

use chorus and phaser for some more sweetness. But I find it increases the volumes of left and right quite a bit when mixing the fx in to much.

You can also do some cool noise percussiones with only using the noise osc. Then the hi-pass filter becomes your friend :slight_smile:

but best advise I would say is: enjoy the sound :slightly_smiling_face:

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for me a very big point is: you can use USB without some audible USB noise in the backround. A lot of other synths do that, like the Waldorf Blofeld, the Octratrack MK1 or even the Eventide Space pedal.

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Totally agree. If I use it, it’s only at 5-10% to slightly boost volume.
I don’t get why the “hidden” Drive that wasn’t supposed to be on the OB-6 is soooo good, but on the Prophet~6 it’s soooooo crap?

I feel like if you play with the velocity, the distortion is quite nice.

I’ll say this, not being able to use the oscillator hard sync and the suboscillator at the same time with out wierd glitchy stuff happening is a little disappointing. I thought my unit broke. It’s a weird design choice.

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Ahhhh. :thinking: Distortion slow attack and much reverb, Going to get my shoegazing overdrive groove on. Thanks. (Hello CS-80 :innocent:)

I never had that glitchy SubOSC with OSC Sync on. I have a dozen bass patches that use OSC Sync and around 80% SubOSC, without issue. But that’s in a one voice unison mode.
Are you doing the calibration after a warm up? I recall some videos where there were odd issues rectified by wiping the calibration table and recalibrating, even on new units.


I’ll try that out.

This is likely just due to the way the sub oscillator is implemented and can be avoided depending on the intervals used between the two oscillators, though if you doing massive pitch sweeps it’ll always show up.

But I actually quite like this behavior, because then you can do stuff like this :slight_smile:


is this a good synth to get to go with a dark trinity or is there something else I should consider? I love the sound and look and could do with the polyphony

I can’t recommend it enough.
But. At half the cost, and more subtle to match the A4mk1, try
Korg Prologue 8
Korg Minilogue XD
Prophet Rev2 (8)
Nord Lead A1

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Really liking the sound of the Nord Lead A1

If you love something then do everything you an in your power to get it. Love is priceless. Notice how you say you like the Nord sound but not love it. Get the Prophet.


Didn’t you just buy the Dark Trinity?
Minilogue XD desktop would probably fit nicely, and be the most affordable. But if you can find the desktop Nord LA1r on 2nd hands, cool.

Nord Leads are great. They got nothing on the Prophet, tho. You can’t match that presence no matter how red your keyboard is.


Just lower the Oscillator Levels and Amp so they don’t go so hot into the Distortion and it will sound much better and you have a wider range with the distortion. Its all about the gain-staging.


Yeh. Don’t think I ever tried that. Face palm because that’s how I manage overdrive on guitar all the time.
This is going to fun, new territory on my P6.
Mind though I rarely have the OSCs past 2 o’clock anyway.

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I’ve found good results with all the mix controls and VCA envelope amount before noon and making up volume with the distortion. It’s still a fair bit quieter than a “typical” patch but if you boost on your mixer/interface to compensate I think there’s a lot of subtly worth exploring.


God I love this synth so much ! Its just the perfect synthesizer for me ! Should have get one much sooner ! Just sayin ! Fits good with my Rytm !