Sequential resumes Prophet-5

Uh ohhhhh.

Wonder what kinda MSRP it will have.

My Pro 2 is itching for a poly module to sit atop it. It’s already getting tired of this diet of VSTs it is feeding on, but I keep telling it that’s all that daddy can afford and just be happy there’s food on the table.

Also, thanks to all who braved the GS jungle and come back with the pertinent info!


Regarding GS, all I do is Google “cbmd prophet”, click the GS result that shows up, then do a “find posts by cbmd”. This way I skip all the noise and get only signal. cbmd’s posts are short and to the point, and do not engage trolls, whiners, etc.

Prophet 6 keys - $2800
Prophet 6 desktop - $2200

$600 price difference so my guess is $3500 - 600 = $2900 at most.

Some peeps will misunderstand no matter what I do, but I’ll try anyway…

I repeat, at most. Price might be lower.

More optimistic guess would be $2500. I doubt it’ll be cheaper than the P6 desktop at $2200.


It could be a bigger difference. The keyboard version has a lot of wood. That does bring up the price. So if they skip a lot of that for the desktop, maybe it comes down to the same price as the ob6/p6 desktops. :slight_smile:

Good analysis.
And $700 difference on OB-6 keys to desktop.

So $600-$700 less for P5 module seems plausible.
10 voice would still be out of my reach but I don’t really make music that needs the extra voices.
This is exciting.

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Same on both counts. So much music made with the Prophet 5’s 5-voice polyphony. I don’t see a radical difference in my own usage, regarding polyphony requirements.

Prophet 6 desktop already has wood sides so we cannot take absence of wood into account regarding pricing.

I’m really glad to see Dave pull this off. He’s a humble god among synth gods and he’s decided to follow Bob’s lead. I had the good fortune to meet Dave back in 2002 when DSI was just launched. My discussion with him back then made it clear that he knew there remained a market for his designs, as evidenced by NI’s success with Pro-Five. He also recognized the IP theft issues with software and decided to move forward with physical synths instead of dongles. I think I’ll be buying one of these next year. My Evolver and my Pro-One are my most beloved synths and I can only imagine having the big daddy sitting next to them. We live in good times.

I actually have a mono evolver which no one wants to buy from me. Maybe I should just accept that it refuses to leave me and embrace it.

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I’m glad they’re offering a reissue to market. I played this one briefly in a local repair shop and felt happy owning a P6 due to the effects, aftertouch and the keyboard feel. The new P5 is tempting but I promised myself that I’d keep the P6 for life. In terms of the need for 10 voices, I think it’s overkill for most. With the P5 someone can play a base note and a four finger chords which seems enough given how it sounds.

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Are we paying for nostalgia? Or is this just a killer synth in modern terms. A bit perplexing.


Wow, never thought he’d do it. Full circle I guess. I think it sounds fantastic. Although I do hear a lot of similarities to the P6, it’s rather similar in Rev 1/2 mode. That CEM mode sounds pretty different though.

I don’t know if it’s the recordings I’ve heard but the new P5 actually sounds a bit thinner than the 6, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing (I usually pull some weight out with the high pass filter anyways). Some things I’d definitely miss from the 6. Triangle sub-oscillator, the effects (Chorus is great and so is the BBD delay), the sequencer is also nice to have and a ton of fun.

Ok I’ll stop coming up with excuses on why I don’t need this :rofl: Also really surprised at the 10 voice pricing. Not that much more than the 5. If they add a multi-timbral mode that could be really interesting.

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To that point, bitimbral operation is on the list according to cbmd


Yeah, I’m in that camp too. Love this for all the soft values it brings and for what it stands for, but I don’t see why one would go for this instead of the Prophet 6. The 6 isn’t exactly burdened with features that clogs the workflow.

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This has already been discussed several times. Sequential has a link to a comparison chart which is plastered throughout the site. The chart lists all the diffs between P6 and P5 in detail.

The comparison list is great but its not reinforcing the case . The nostalgia factor on this is not to be underestimated in the price. And i get that as it was the one that set the benchmark.

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My brain’s flow chart goes from:

P10 too much :arrow_heading_down:

P5 pricey, already have KB :arrow_heading_down:

forthcoming P5 desktop :arrow_heading_down:

P6 desktop adds the stuff I will actually use (FX, seq), costs less :arrow_heading_down:

Repro-5 controlled by my Pro 2 is already a lot of fun and sounds fantastic. :white_check_mark:


People keep asking why not buy the P6 instead - that is what the chart is for. Trying to reduce the repeat questions over and over.

I think we just wanna have the conversation. Please, let us.

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I didn’t know if you looked at the chart or not so its just a reminder

Yep, that’s where I usually end up too, but at my Prophet 12. I go there and then here, make a turn there and go right and then I’m back home with my 12 again :blush:

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All good, mate :+1: the chart does tell a big part of the story so you’re on point, for sure.