Sequential resumes Prophet-5

Well yeah, at this point in the juncture, that’s the only logical explanation to all of this turmoil.


What I think is pretty neat in 1.5 (with out owning the synth) is the 2 voice per note mode (“Poly Unison”), where the P10 essentially is a 5 voice synth playing every note on two full voices which should get pretty thick. I’d love to hear a demo of this with the vintage knob turned low (i.e. very sloppy).

No signs of multi-timbrality afaik, and it’s probably not going to happen ever. This is what some were hoping for after some hints by a Sequential employee on muffwiggler.

Still a nice update I think.


Yes, especially when using poly mod with low freq osc B mode, it’ll regain that full two osc body.

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can you do splits on the prophet 10?

so many warm fuzzies…

at this point I don’t know how one cannot buy a prophet 10


Food, medication, health insurance, family, the cost of shelter, not having a job.
There are lots of reasons.

To say nothing of the mono output. :stuck_out_tongue:


If you want stereo, just buy two!


grins over at all the mono guitar pedals people here always complain about…


My guitar/violin/electric mandolin rig is even more mono than it was before, after moving the Zoia off the pedalboard. It going to reside on the mixer aux bus instead.

I’m sure Octatrack owners will be hap… ooops, wrong thread

Months after i started this thread, then bought new gear all at once, I have a higher priority now on exploring what I can do with what I have now.

I’m sure whoever gets a new Prophet will be happy


the thought of one mono output puts me off every time until I listen to one again…,

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I know you’re joking around but obviously the voice count comes into play in many more situations than that because the voice is taken up when it’s in release phase, even if you’re not pressing it…

A simple fast 1 note run down the keyboard can easily eat 10 voices with a long release…


I’ve heard speculation that Sequential might make the prophet 10 dual timbral via firmware update.

Back in October they said it’s “on the list”


Alright it’s settled, I’ll sell an organ for a Prophet 10 desktop module when that firmware comes out.

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i’ve no doubt “just” the Prophet 5 would be a joy for you.

I’m too pragmatic to justify the $800 difference - comparing desktop models, mind you - for 5 more voices of poly. I’d rather throw some of that towards a Modwave or something and get way more than 5 extra voices of poly and sonic variety besides. Modwave has stereo and up to 32-voice poly… and a different flavor of synthesis… But that’s just me.

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I’m not a good keyboardists, but combined with my LFE and prophet 10 you can get into 6+ territory and end up in the 8 notes due to the modulations and long releases I use.

If I am using the shorter envelope patches and playing left hand bass and right hand chord then prophet 5 gets the job done.

mono: the only thing that would’ve been cool is stereo out on the 10 voice for the poly unison mode. crank up the vintage knob and unison split, then pan one voice to each side… :drooling_face:

but I mean, it’s massive sounding anyway. that’d literally be a one trick pony. one song, then you’re done. don’t use it again! otherwise… no need for mono. it doesn’t have effects anyway.

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I just found out that Lyle Mays had a Prophet 5 in his rig in the early 80s. I’d always associated him with the Oberheim Four-Voice. But in this 1982 concert, he has a P5 sitting on top of the grand piano. The Obie is also at hand. With that white panel, it really stands out onstage.

So far, I’m noticing he’s using the P5 for the descending bubble sound that he used “As Wichita Falls…” and the kind of auto downbending lead tone on “The Bat”.

Metheny has a headless guitar synth controller that he uses a bit around the 30 min. mark. Might be a prototype controller for the Synclavier, because he got the Synclavier around that time. He used it for FM tones, as I recall - at least onstage. He did use it as a workstation in the studio.

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I’m actually considering the module for real now, to complement the alien tones of my Prophet 12 with about as classic and soft as a synth can get.

I’m torn between the 5 and the 10. Obviously, funding’s an issue, but I wonder if perhaps the 5 might be just the missing voice too much. I usually create a set of sequences that all run through the Prophet 12 in tandem, say three or four of them at once, all part of the same overall grand sequence but with variations in step count, quantized triggers and stuff. I use the Blackbox for this, my Deluge can’t go this far with its sequencing, but it does create an interesting and suggestive blend of textures and harmonics. But it requires polyphony to work.

So I wonder … getting the 5 maybe this just won’t work? But I can’t afford the 10 so there’s that :slight_smile:

Not even sure where I’m going with this post. I’m gonna get myself some coffee now.