Sequential resumes Prophet-5

nice find!

I was under the impression that the upgrade kit (voice card) came with a prophet-10 badge to install on your unit. I could have sworn I read that somewhere. Now that I search the world wide web, I’m not finding anything to back up my claim.

are you gonna spring for the sound tower editor?

still no sound tower takers ?

I use sound tower since it was released. It’s a good utility . I believe there are sysex files of old rev3 presets floating around to preload. Definitely getting sound tower for my voyager and prophet 6 as well.

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I’d never heard of it until recently…
I know you know what you’re doing so it’s good to hear that you found it useful, btw do you prefer the stand alone or the vst I’m thinking I might as well grab the bundle

I only got the editor especially since I like to play the keys and sequence with a pyramid sometimes then print into Ableton. I believe if you look through the sequential forums there are people who have old rev3 sysex files. Thé editor itself is a lifesaver because you can name patches and it helps you reverse engineer your favorite patches from third parties that you buy from.

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Anyone come from a Rev2 to a new Prophet 5/10?

Be interested in your take from it. Obviously you loose a ton of modulation, but it still seems pretty deep if you want it to be.

I think I’ve come to the conclusion the Rev2 feels too sterile and precise. I’m spending all my time modulating as subtly as possible to get it to loosen up.

I did. well I still own both actually. plan was to see how I ended up using the P5 to determine whether I should let the Rev2 go. and I probably should. mainly because I really go for similar sounds in both but highly prefer the sound and interface of the P5. it’s beautifully simple and just has a humongous sweet spot. there are some things I prefer in the Rev2 for sure. it’s nice being able to route the mod wheel to whatever you want, for example. basically the Rev2 you can do anything you want, and you’re limited in the P5. but that’s also a great thing.

I do the same thing. so you’d probably love the the P5.


Fantastic! That pretty much seals it for me. You’ve said exactly what I’ve imagined the P5 would be like coming from the Rev2. Totally get missing some modulation aspects, but I think I can live without those if I’m getting sounds I want a little easier. Have a Matriarch as well, so hopping it’ll be a good pairing - seemed to go well with the Rev2… though Rev2 always sounded much thinner so it did mix well with the Moog.

Many thanks @chiasticon


Just had a go with a P10 at a local store, probably shouldn’t have because now I really want one. Didn’t think I would, but it just has this great, raw character to the sound. Awesome instrument!


This is something I really felt the Rev2 missed, so its good to hear!

Prophet 10 ordered. Rev2 returned :slight_smile:


Congrats! The sound feels very much alive, you will love it, I’m sure!


That’s probably a good choice. My thoughts on the Rev2 vs P5 are similar to yours and others here. The P5 just has that gooey vintage vibe to it. At times almost like a slight, subtle natural chorusing happening. Big sweet spot without having to dial in a few mod lanes to get there.


congrats! :partying_face: let us know how you get on with it!


Well. It’s everything I’d hoped it to be! Can’t stop playing it. It’s night and day vs the Rev2 for what I want a synth to sound like (admittedly I could have two Rev2s for the price of it lol).

Obviously I’m in the honeymoon period, but man alive it’s a good honeymoon.

Thanks for the help guys

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