Sequential resumes Prophet-5

I tried looking for the info but couldn’t find it- can a prophet 5 desktop be turned into a prophet 10? Or is that only possible with the keyboard versions?

Both can


Anyone know how to save the default patch when the synth is switched on?
I somehow changed it and can’t figure out how to fix it

Go to global settings when its on. It will stay on that when you switch on


Ahhhhh, so that’s why mines always on 113 hahah

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Were these going to be in limited run? Like will these probably be around for at least another year? I might have to sell mine and fully plan on buying another one asap, I would be so bummed if these were ceasing to be made soon!

When Sequential launched them, they specifically said it is not a limited run. They will make them until they stop selling, I guess.


Naw, you can wait until 2023 and still be able to buy one. Chip shortage should be alleviated by then too, reducing odds of your being stuck onboard a cargo ship at port for weeks on end.

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Is this total madness ? I have a Prophet 6 and OB-6 and have serious GAS for a Prophet 10. Thinking of selling the P6 and OB-6 to get P10 and add some more FX pedals (Thinking Too Big and Too Bam) to make up for lack of onboard FX on the P10. The sheer beauty and presence of the P10 has drawn me in so badly. I need convinced I’m mad or maybe not so mad ! Help !

I think I know where your mind is at right now, trust me, we’ve been there! I think you could have ten people tell you’re crazy and still that probably wouldn’t take your mind off the P10. That’s called GAS! :smiley:

I have a Prophet 6 but sometimes I dream of a P5/P10. The P5 is almost like a holy grail synth to me! Cos I think I know how the P5 sounds in comparison, I sometimes feel the P6 isn’t alive enough. Usually takes a bit more patching, vintage knob or just plain live knob twisting but most of the time I’m very happy with the sound of the P6. Sometimes a single patch without any fx can sound a bit boring but in a mix I love how the P6 sounds.

So personally I’d rather have the P6 AND OB-6 but for sure I’ve had times when I’ve traded two synths I kinda like to get a synth that I simply have to have. So I can def sympathize!

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Thanks, I truly appreciate your words and sympathy ! Glad to hear i’m not the only one considering such a deal. Exactly, it feels like the “Holy grail” of analogue poly synths. Somehow the P5/10 just has such a presence and feels so alive that it’s tough to get over the GAS. Absolutely love the OB-6 and P6 and there’s no doubt about the P6 fitting into the mix beautifully. It’s probably a wise decision to keep them both, considering the multiple synths I sold to get them in the first place. Although thinning out the herd has definitely helped the creative process in the past.

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I get it.

I tried a P5 in the same room as other well-regarded analog polysynths from Moog, Sequential, etc… (OB6, P6, One, Rev 2, etc). Some have complained about its limited modulation options, mono output, etc. compared to Sequential’s more recently designed synths but its sound has a special sauce that, to me, really stood out.


I haven’t tried the Prophet 5 but that’s what I feel with the OB6. Very simple, a touch more modulation than the Prophet 5 but by today’s exceptions, very litte. Yet I find the palette of sounds and the feelings I get from them to be widely varied and satisfying!

Also, so far, every time I used it in a track or jam, it just comes out perfectly in the mix.


I saw this pedal then found it is monophonic and there could be a much cheaper option in the Sonuus GM2 audio to midi converter. Both are advertised for guitar audio to Midi.

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thanks for the tip, will check that one out

I’ve got the p5 desktop, it is top notch, and a gas suppressing because it doesn’t get much better… I used to love my Novation peak, but it now is overshadowed and could be sold.
It’s worth getting this synth instead of multiple others…
But not sure I would part with the ob6 though… it’s the only other synth I gas for

But yeah it’s something special, the raw sound and simplicity of the controls
And it seems alive not sterile… It’s def a modern made vintage synth


Agree with all of this.


Thanks, appreciate this. What’s fueling the GAS is the fact I can pick up a P10 for $550 less in the Boxing week sale, I’m sure I wouldn’t be losing $550 on both the P6 and OB-6 with current used prices around here. Definitely convinced it’s easily possible to forget about other synths due to it pure raw sound, the fact it has less features isn’t really a worry when just thinking about that sound. Maybe the OB-6 is just the one synth that for me also has “that sound” all be it a different flavor.

what is the ‘boxing week sale’?