Sequential resumes Prophet-5

Again…isnt the 6 like the same thing? But with one more voice and added FX? I get that rev2 is DCOs (the horror!) but the 6 is all analog innit?


I have a REV2 16 voice. Somebody tell me that i dont need this pleasee!!!


Just wow ! Though i would have liked 1 more LFO to be honest. I know i know the original da dada … but … anway.

Already have the OB6 but … a Prophet 5 is my dream synth.
The thing is there is no way im going to buy the P5 without selling some of my precious synths and … im afraid its not going to happen. :slight_smile:


A reminder: There’s a comparison chart on the Sequential site for P5 vs P6 vs. REV2, etc. Link to it posted earlier in this thread. or you can just visit the site yourself.

Sequential made the chart easy to read and understand.


All things being equal, YES :rofl:
Well, I think so. BUT, the heart wants what the heart wants.
It’ll definitely be a try B4U buy situation, but the P6 OSC’s and Filter are more aggressive than the original P5’s, as seen in the values where P5 patches are reproduced on the P6 (OSC’s around 50-65%, LPF max around 80%). I’ll be listening to the new P5/10 for a softer touch in that respect, and the absence of the “clikcy” Attack that can be a Gremlin in the P6 and OB-6.
One thing that may separate the Luddites from the NeoLuddites, is the lack of the Sub OSC in the new P5/10. The Tri wave Sub in the P6 (and AS-1) is a boon for the NeoLuddites, but the old farts wont care and probably welcome its absence.

Sometimes, I think that’s closer to the original than the P6 is.

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I heard a trick for getting rid of that click is to turn the VCA down I believe. Even on my rev2


Agree, but when that doesn’t work, drop the OSC’s proportionally till it stops, then the Filter. Sometimes (on the P6/OB6) it’s unavoidable when voices run out, but that’s not an issue that’s mutually exclusive from the OSC/Filter issue.
Also applies to the AS-1.

What, no MPE?

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No supplies yet here in the UK. Soooo tempted!

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Yeah it seems to me that the P5 and 10 are even more into the players synth category than the P6, when you see some one master a synth like that its pretty mesmerizing to watch them work and evolve sounds live… I personally would have liked to see the effects make it in there, would make the prospect of taking it out live all that easier.

Haha yeah I can get behind that notion, like I can really respect the Moog One as an achievement for moog but to me VCO poly synths are all about simplicity and natural character. Hybrids and DCO synths are just naturally more tuned for complexity and deep sound design. Nice to see hi-end versions of both complex and simplistic being made for VCO synths for people who want.


I’d plan on getting the 5 if it could be updated to a 10 voice, like the Rev2. Also it’d be cool if the 10 could be bi-timbral. It’s a lot less feature rich than the P6 but the switchable filters and vintage knob functionality seem really interesting. Also the LFO-per-voice. It looks beautiful.

not sure if it’s stated somewhere that it can’t. so it may be worth asking Sequential. in the release video, Dave says he always wanted the P5 to be upgradeable to 10 voices but it wasn’t possible at the time with those components. and that nowadays it totally is. so it’s possible the guts are 100% the same, save the extra voice chips, and that there’s a spot to simply plug in a new board with those chips. I’d say it’s likely, even (makes more sense than manufacturing different versions of these boards).

also I did see on MW that a Sequential employee had confirmed that a desktop version is in the future. as noted above, it was found in their comparison matrix; but just in case anyone was wondering if that was a mistake…


But… is it any less pleasant a sound, even if it is familiar?

It’s the sort of sound that people make on an analog poly.

Aside from that, the P-5 is so ridiculously sought after that hearing those sounds of “home” are IMO what many people are after (assuming a P-5 is what they want)

This isn’t a new synth. People who want a P-5 are already looking for the familiar. People that want something different might prefer a modular or PolyBrute or something.

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That’s why this new P-5 doesn’t make me want an OB-6 any less.

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I would very much grab a P-6 or OB-6 before a P-5. Actually I prefer the Rev2 to even those due to the extra modulation.

I love the P-5 though still.

But, there are more people than us probably who would rather have the P-5. I wouldn’t say that their reasons are any less important or interesting than ours though. Dave Smith is one of the last people aside from maybe Don Buchla that would put out something older without a good reason or extreme demand.

The P-5 nearly stands alone in this respect. (Maybe an OBX or MiniMoog)


Does anyone know if desktop is in 5 voice and 10 voice ?

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I think this product announcements will have some people unloading their Moog ones soon too.

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And then maybe reselling P5s after realizing it has no built-in FX or sequencer.


Yup. Haha. That wood on it is a beauty though. I’ll use stock ableton effects and my boss effects box from years ago.


I actually think the Moog One has some neat thing goings for it - like tri-timbral operation and so on. But I do better with less complicated interfaces/designs.