Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

The Take 5 has a truly cheesy name, but it is obviously more feature-rich/complex than the Prophet 5/10 and is capable of sounding totally different. Personally, I don’t determine quality of sound by using cost.

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Even hardware synths can be tedious to program :slight_smile:


Nah, he has already posted an early review of the synth for his patrons, it’s not Take 5 yet another capable Sequential polysynth.

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What is that - a Prophet 6?

Who is it?

Check out Jexus / WC Olo Garb on Youtube. He is really talented programmer and creative synth player/reviewer/demonstrator. But his videos may be disturbing to some.:grimacing:

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I know who that is. I just didnt see that from the photo posted. He is at the exact opposite end of the spectrum compared to Loopop’s reviews. He he.

Got it, it was a screenshot from his Youtube channel. Pure entertainment for sure!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Same moniker but more modulation

It depends on which Prophet 5 you’re talking about. Versions 3 (and 4 the new one) have CEM. (or both in case of version 4) Earlier versions used SSM ICs, which these newer SSI ICs are modern versions of (more or less). Historically, I’ve seen more people that preferred the sound of the earlier SSM chip versions. The CEMs were just more reliable, so were used in the later model.

I see a lot of people putting down the SSI chips, but they are among the best in the industry, and IMO much better than the CEMs in pretty much every way imaginable. It’s going to be the surrounding circuitry though that has more of an impact on the overall sound.

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I think this synth sounds great, and is very full featured, for the price, for a Sequential synth. Aesthetically though, I prefer the PolyEvolver, P5, P6, and OB6. I’m not into the plasticy knob look on this and the Pro3. Otherwise, I really can’t see a single thing wrong with this synth.

I also agree that the “portability” angle is hilarious. :smiley:

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I was referring to the newest one, P5R4

this is a pretty clear demo of getting a specific sound all patched up. sounds good to me.

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Oh man! I just realized we can have a “Take 5 - sound quality” thread!

for those not up here much, the “OT - sound quality” thread is a roller coaster ride of emotions from fascinating to depressing to hilarious and back to depressing :slight_smile:


anybody knows where in EU i can buy this synth ?
thomann got it pushed back for 15.10… :frowning:

It’s already in stock here in Montreal.

thanks :grin: that is canada

Montréal thinks they’re in the EU


Sorry, it wasn’t a response to your post. It surprises me to see them in stock at my local store.

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this demo sounds good but if you’re gonna do cliches though, why not do the comparison that everyone really wants to see, it’s almost like everyone, even cats who have done tons of comparisons between p5/p6/ and the other are avoiding doing the tonal comparison that are in the back of everyone’s mind… and it should be easy to do because the take 5 is portable so they could easily pick it up and take to wherever those other synths might be…
people would rather focus on the fact that on paper the take 5 is obviously a superior synth but that’s not the issue.

don’t sham wow me bro

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