Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

Yes and we can’t differentiate our left from our right. :crazy_face:


It is! But I doubt you’ll find many synth shops in that town, let alone one selling the Take 5.

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Ha! I have even driven through there on the A61, en route to having cassoulet in Castelnaudary…

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Translation from my experienced friend who just bought the Take 5 (in Montreal, Canada).

« I just spend two hours on the Take 5 and I can say that it’s a hell of a Machine. More deep than I thought. I was telling to myself that I was ok with the U-He Repro 5 to emulate the Prophet 5, I was wrong. All the more that the Take 5 can go in so many directions compared to the Prophet 5. Comparing both units (Take 5 and P5), I would have been screwed if I had bought the P5 ».



actually I hope your friend is right… looking forward to more of those examples showing up, I think if they had just made the take 5 look exactly like a mini p5 they would sell more take 5’s and more people would have added a p5 desktop module to a take 5 purchase too imho

It’s difficult for me to imagine something physically just looking at a picture. Believe it or not i will cut a piece of cardboard, to be able to feel a synth’s size, if i am ordering something online.

The Take 5:

Width: 25" (63.5 cm)
Depth: 12.75" (32.4 cm)
Weight: 17 lbs (7.7 kg)

I like that the keys run wall to wall on this. The Analog Keys is an inch wider and yet has fewer keys. The AK has so much wasted space.

There might be a bit of a generational perspective with this. This is “portable” for those who grew up before the laptop computer. Luggable ?

Though i did gag seeing the guy in the video slouching on the couch with the Take 5 bouncing on his knees.


It’s not weird! To prepare room for a mixer I’ve done the same thing.


I’ve done the same thing for my Kitchen.


That just sounds like media hype talk.

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Honeymoon period maybe. @Tchu’s friend only played it for 2 hours so far. But because of the FX and other differences, of course it can go in different directions compared to a P5.


Not to mention that he’s a great Sound Designer, that he knows is way around and that he has been using U-he Repro 5 extensively.


Sort of gives it away.

So what’s the vibe here? Only those who own the P5 count and no one is allowed to find enjoyment or sound design possibilities in the T5? Because that’s what it seems like from your posts here.


Yeah, this sort of “engagement” is toxic. Even accounts from people who have hands-on experience are dismissed – and not just dismissed, but have their legitimacy called into question – just because it doesn’t coincide with…

… what? A demo they didn’t like? No actual knowledge (or worse, baseless refutation of actual knowledge) of the product that they are so certain is inferior to the point of uselessness (based on… ???) that people with a positive opinion must be a corporate stooges.

There’s healthy skepticism, and then there’s this tinfoil hat nonsense. Criminy.

Thanks for speaking up @craig – I thought I was losing my gosh-darned mind.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Take 5 off topic chat

Wow, it didn’t really hit until I saw this video… but the Take 5 is TINY. I mean seriously, it’s miniature; why would anyone hate on this thing? Sounds really good, looks fun to make patches… For $1,300 US it’s maybe not a SCREAMING deal but it’s alright, people were paying out $1,600 for an ARP Odyssey FS no problem and that’s not even close in terms of feature-set. If space wasn’t a factor I would 100% get a Prologue 16 instead, but this is a great option and would be so easy to transport.


huh… didn’t realize that before. maybe the first dude has huge hands. it does look small, though. i still think it sounds pretty good. this might have to wait until after buying a new dryer. sadness…


My first impression was that it would be close to the size of the Pro 3, which is hardly a giant of a synth itself.

Priorities man ! Get a clothes line. :smiley:

My “Cardboard Take 5” feels pretty compact.


haha… yes. i am all about line drying clothes. i’ll print out your post to show my wife when she asks questions.