Sequential Take 5 five voice poly



I think we might have an intriguing conundrum here, usually when a manufacturer puts out a budget minded synth under it’s flagship they usually leave the tone in tact and cut corners to get to a lower price point by shaving off the other features in various ways, but the take 5 is taking a different approach…

I don’t think anyone is really saying that the take 5 is a bad synth, I think the elephant in the room is that it doesn’t have the base tone quality of a p5 but that the p5 legacy is being used to market it… I don’t currently think it sounds as good as repro, I will probably try it out tomorrow but I disagree with the notion that youtube isn’t a viable option for listening to a synth… repro is on youtube and it sounds much better than anything I’ve seen from the take 5, even surprisingly j3po’s clips, the p5 clips from the notorious youtube also sound much better…

I’m just saying that it looks like instead of leaving the tonal quality and cutting the bells and whistles to get to a lower price point that it looks like Dave Smith added bells and whistles and cut the tonal quality for something that is subconsciously and consciously marketed as a mini prophet.

I would love to see somebody do a take 5 / P5 comparison video like they did for repro and the prophet, right now I don’t think the take 5 would fair as well, but I also don’t know what kind of music Tchu’s friend makes, he might not even be looking for a mini prophet I dunno, maybe Tchu can answer that.

also sequential doesn’t just have one flagship it’s got several so maybe it makes sense that the take 5 is what it is because if the majority of musicians out there would love to have a P5 but a P5 is out of reach and they could actually get one for this price instead then obviously sequential would lose a ton of money wouldn’t they?

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I think Youtube vids are fun, but for a serious buy/no buy decision, I too would prefer to try in-person first.

Technically, the official site only references the P5 filter, not the P5 in its entirety


The only problem with this is that Sequential hasn’t marketed the T5 it as a mini P5 as you say. Even on the sequential website, on the overview page, the only mention is “… passing through a Prophet-5-lineage 4-pole analog filter.” They don’t even say it’s the exact same filter. I think that’s just something that has spun up from T5 threads, not something Sequential is saying or advertising.


I know ‘technically’ but Dave is no dummy, I’m definitely not saying they are false advertising or anything like that… I just think the notions on the p5 are clear, I just haven’t heard the take 5 sounding as good as repro or the p5 yet… I don’t


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Also, as I have read on another forum, Sean from Valhalla plugins has one and says that in this filter they added a bass compensation circuit, that the P5 does not have. Probably why I liked some of the bass sounds I was hearing in the demos.

Edit: He was also saying that he could dial in his favorite P10 patches on the T5.

With that being said, it is a different synth, and it is not just a mini P5, but I bet you could dial in, or get very close to your favorite P5/P10 patches if needed. I just think that I this is going to be able to take you different places than the P5, and that is exciting to me.


I don’t think you’re claiming false advertising either. But you also don’t seem to be happy with the mention of anything Prophet 5 at all. That’s fine by me.

I have my own history of products rejected by myself because of negative impressions that had nothing to do with the product’s actual performance or feature set.

I think the sound quality thing is a bit of an odd duck, like yes Prophet 5 and repro sound fantastic but it’s not like Take 5 is an emulation or something, it is a new analog VCO synth and it sounds like one. Being more of a programmers synth than the prophet 5 I think we are going to have to see it out in the wild for a bit, if it lacks the P5 init patch mojo it might make up for it with a few tweaks in the modmatrix.


I mean, yeah 100% I would rather have a Prologue, never the 8 though, the difference in cost between it and the 16 is a no brainer. I like the sound of the Take 5 but there’s nothing like hearing it in person, the coolest analog synths I own sound good on YouTube but incredible in person.

Something like the MS20, it’s really easy to go through 20 videos on YouTube where it sounds like ass or just meh, which it totally can if you want that, but it can also sound unreal tasty.

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well it’s not just me, anyone can see the conversation is being shifted away from it sounding like the p5 and I think that’s a good thing, could have saved us all a lot of time if the speculation about the synth had started out that way in the first place… Dave never came out and said it was a mini p5 or that it sounded like the p5 but all of the beta testers and all of the clips tiptoe around that carrot and it’s pretty obvious that when word came out that sequential was gonna put out a ‘take 5’ everyone wanted to know if they were gonna get a budget p5… nobody cared about how good a take 5 sounded in it’s own right because the ‘take 5’ sound has no legacy, so no one knew to desire it in the first place… everyone I heard from said things like ‘oh sh*t, I might finally be able to get my hands on a p5 for a reasonable price’… and I agree with you that in spite of j3pos underwhelming demo that it will take more people getting their hands on it to show more… but currently it’s not the p5 on the cheap that everyone had hoped for, except those who knew they weren’t hoping for a p5 anyway

Not everyone.

If I want a P5, I’ll go ahead and spend the money on a P5 desktop. I can afford it.

My interest in the Take 5 is driven by how good it sounds in its own right.


I blame Dave’s T-Shirt, that’s the culprit who started all of this lol

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If I lived in a bigger house, I’d buy the P5 desktop, Pro 3, Wavestate, and MPC Live 2. And still have plenty of room for a Take 5 if I find that I like it enough after a visit to the shop.

me too… gotta check it out myself…

I love Dave for the same reasons I don’t love everything he does, he’s always looking forward and that has always brought us a world of possibilities but I’m also of the mind that bringing the best lessons from the past makes the future better…

I blame Dave for us not already having the linn drum 2 and also for the fact that when the linn drum 2 comes out it will be quite different than what was expected… I think it was Dave that had the most influence on Roger Linn’s mind state and his intense desire to not rehash the past… (speculation of course) from the thoughts they’ve shared with the public

Translation from my experienced friend :

« Everything on this Synth is crazy and sounds good. I’ve recreated all my favorite Patches (and way more) and everything sounds better than usually. I’m freakin’ out! I’m recreating all the Factory Presets from the P5 with a little bit of my own taste. Lot of pleasure! »

« It can also sounds more modern and complex. »


Completely agree… on paper this synth looks perfect to me, but the demo’s never really grabbed me yet.

Its almost impossible to describe why, but there’s just something about the sound of a synth which either grabs you or doesn’t. I think the sound and interface/ui are the most important aspects of hardware synths: they either inspire you or they don’t. Functions/options don’t really matter to me, as vsti’s offer all the options one would ever need.

I love the rev2, prophet 5 and matriarch/grandmother, but for example the ob-6 also never grabbed me the way I expected it to, despite its popularity. Same thing for this one, guess its just a matter of taste. For now I’ll stick to the mopho x4 which I think sounds amazing, despite its reputation as a cheap prophet 8/rev2.


The OB-6 grabbed me via Youtube…

But that’s the problem. It was Youtube, not in person.

Once I tried it in person in a nice room full of nice synths, it didn’t stand out as much as I thought it would.


this happened to me as well

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