Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

Nah, I refuse to say “go ahead buy this synth” if I haven’t even tried it myself yet. You should make up your mind on your own and I’m trying to say this nicely.

Anywayyyyyy I’m just trying to point out that the mod matrix is different enough from the P5 or the P6, that it makes me wonder what else is different about the so-called “little bro” synth that might not be a little bro at all

But, ultimately, I’ll have to trust what people say. That’s why I annoyingly ask people about their opinions and experiences.

Story of my life. I keep buying analog synths, and expecting Mouth Harp samples.


I bought a Minimoog Voyager and was heartbroken to find:

  1. No piano sounds
  2. Could not play Jump on it


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it happens, I tried to play Rockit by Herbie Hancock on the take 5 and found out I’d need at least 3 more takes :grin:


this youtube video is an accurate enough representation to what I experienced in person.

Where did you try Take 5 in person? Sorry if you mentioned it already and I happened to miss it

perfect circuit

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Oh right! My bad!

to me, it seemed like the patch switch glitch is the only one of his 3 gripes worth even considering. it’s still on my wish list for now.

yeah it’s a cool synth, I think that the dust is settling now into two camps, the folks appreciating that it’s a nice instrument from sequential and the people who were looking to get in on some p5 legacy in a more affordable package, I think it satisfies one of those camps far more than the other and now I feel less reasonable about comparing it to any other synth…

tchu’s friend has tossed repro out the window haha from what it sounds like for the take 5 where as I think repro is a better choice for those in the second camp, but more than anything it comes down to the individual for example pink Buddah loves the overdrive on the take 5 but I found it to be very unflattering…

I bet they solve the sound switching issue in an update

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I have the video that our Cpt. posted running while I do some boring work. Actually a pleasant soundtrack.

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Speaking of PCA, here’s their own new Take 5 vid


Nick Semrad’s playing is an upgrade over the previous dude’s.

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nick semrad’s pretty dope. my hesitation with buying any more keys right now relates directly to my barely existent skills as a player. the plan for now is to work on skills first.

Honestly, I’d prefer a module.

But no telling what’s gonna happen next time I head to the store to attend the big new synth shootout of the year. I may end up taking a Take 5 home… unless there’s a surprise win by another synth (which could happen).

I think I’m gonna skip the 2 hour video. This bloke seems a little too chatty for my taste.

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…and buying a new dryer.

Actually, one of my latest gear purchases is a dishwasher