Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

I have a prophet 5 desktop, I think what makes it special is the pure tone and what has been deliberately left out for simplicity and I actually love that…

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Yes this video was posted by the Cpt. but I cued it to where Jamie specifically addresses Take 5 vs. Prophet 5. So if you care about this, just click the video…


Got to do my own little personal side by side of the Take 5 and the Prophet 5. Prophet 5 has that immediate oozes quality sound and the resonance on the filter is really something, the whole thing is like a giant sweet spot. Take 5 sounds great its filter doesn’t seem to react quite the same, played around with the gainstaging but couldn’t get same feeling from the resonance. I could still see getting approximate P5 patches on a T5 for playing out live if you didn’t want to take your P5 out into the world. P5 felt worlds different to explore on atleast from my short experience on the two.


Seems crazy to compare the two

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Yeah I think it is mostly the filter, with the Take 5 filter is based on the P5 filter, so I was mostly curious to see how similar the filters react. Hard to know because you aren’t feeding them the same oscillators but they did seem fairly different to me and least in a short testing time.

They all have different personalities…
I like to think it like the prophet 5 is the dad, he has experience and the one you don’t mess with… he has a weathered playing voice from years of soft cognac and has real substance behind what he says…
The prophet 6 is there oldest son… kind of shy still… But has gone through some stuff… he can get nasty if he has too… but is more humble and has learned some things… There is weight in what he says and he won’t bull s$’!.. he has a real beauty to him that is different from daddy but just not quite as experienced…
Finally, take 5 is the brash know everything youngest… he hasn’t learned much yet so you feel while he can be intimidating, there is a hollowness behind his words… you can hear the family resemblance and he has all the energy in the world and is all over the place trying to conquer the world and he can’t help but make you smile and proud… lol!!


No, the oscillators are not the same.

If you inspect the specs more closely, the P5 has CEM 3340 VCOs. The T5 does not.

Jamie in the video says the P5 VCOs has simultaneous waveshapes - saw and pulse for VC01, saw, pulse and triangle for VCO2. T5 VCOs have one at a time.

Also, while T5’s filter is based on P5 Rev 4 design, P5 has CEM 3320 and 2140


anyone know who has these in stock in the US currently?

these words (and Jupiter 6 comparison) have me very optimistic. i havent heard anything bad about this synth


Great analogy about the Prophet 5 being the dad. Funny but poignant view on the TAKE 5. Here’s a few presets I played through Valhalla Shimmer to give it a bit more oomph. I’m in the honeymoon phase but I’m digg’n this synth.


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Because they overspent on Dave’s other products :rofl:

As did I.

I’m using just maschine at the moment, but I’d love a trio of Pro 3, Take 5 and Prophet X. Modwave could maybe replace the X, as it would still provide samples and synths. Wavetable being more useful than a vanilla VA osc engine, but the samples not being quite as strong and the filter not as nice. Trade offs. There is also a 2k or so price difference.

Fwiw, I’ve owned an X and Pro 3. Amazing synths. All Dave Smith instruments can be a pain in the ass with midi, though, IMO. Buggy.

Yeah, I’m having some serious issues between my Pro 3 and my Pyramid–lots of repeated notes, weird filter modulation happening that isn’t supposed to be. No problems sequencing other synths, so I’ve either got some setting wrong or its a bug…

And this is the guy who invented MIDI!

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midi is also the least thing I hear him ever talk about, geniuses can be quirky like that

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And didn’t even put midi thru on the Prophet-600!


I played one at perfect circuit today. I really wanted to like it. Love Dave smith stuff. I have a prophet 12, poly mono and desktop evolver a tetra and a pro 3. I’ve had an ob6 too.

Something about it left me flat. I don’t know exactly what. I played the prophet 6 right after and it sounded so much fuller and wilder.

Also the vintage knob barely did anything on the take 5 that I could tell. It’s super notable using it on the prophet 6 and ob6. Maybe I did something wrong?

I want to love this synth and maybe someday, but I gotta admit it seemed to be missing something.

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So after 3 days with it,

This synth is amazing, built quality is excellent, it looks beautiful in person, it is not to small, knobs feel nice, keyboard is great, sound palette is broad!! and sound quality is beautiful. So sweet, or angry, it can sound very complex, clean or dirty, soft or hard, and “modulated”, never sounds bad, (reminds me on my juno 60 in that regard) , but of course, it is light years ahead of it :):slight_smile:

I was surprised how good fx is. wasn’t expecting that.

Only thing I don’t like is 128 user slots, it is not going to be enough for the amount of sounds i can get out of it :slight_smile: 10/10

Dave Smith said p5v4 is his gift to the world, but i think its t5. … feels so 21st century like.


Have you noticed a big effect when turning the vintage knob?

big effect ? I mean , yes, it does what is suppose to, randomize amp filter vco pitch per voice. But it doesn’t sound like synth is broken or completely out of tune and needs to be serviced :smiley:

honestly, i didn’t feel a need for that either :slight_smile: but yes, i tried it , and its doing its thing.

I don’t know what did you expect ?

Watched Nick Semrad’s video again.

He highlights some stuff that other YTers glossed over or just overlooked:

  • Ease of assigning sources to destinations in the mod matrix
  • Quick preset switching because buttons are next to the keyboard
  • Difference between global LFO and LFO per voice
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Take 5= modern
P5= timeless

They’re for different types of customers, although there’s some overlap.

The “I want a cheap P5” type will probably be the least happy group.

The “I’ll take any decent sounding analog poly that has the right feature set for me” will be the happiest.