Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

I don’t think they’ll be unhappy.

Pendantically speaking, I did not say “unhappy”

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I wasn’t arguing, either :wink:


This is a sign I should stop posting to this thread for at least a couple of days.

Not leaving the forum, just cutting down on my contribution of noise to this thread.

But the Octatrack users will be happy, right? Right?


not me, but best take 5 sounds on web.


Get Tim Shoebridge on the job. He’s the master of filter analysis.


How anyone could think this synth doesn’t sound absolutely excellent is beyond me. Maybe it’s not a Prophet 5. There’s a Prophet 5 if one wants that. Available currently. People said the same thing about the Rev2, and once people stopped trying to turn it into a different synth, and enjoy it for what it is, it got quite a following. If you want a P6, get a P6. If you want an OB6, get an OB6. Same thing for P5 or T5. One being more expensive doesn’t have to take away from the one that is less expensive. The Prophet 5 was meant for a VERY VERY specific market. It’s the classic hardware that people were begging for for years with a few updates, and no expense spared (more or less) on the form factor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Take 5. (except those knobs!!!) It has a slightly different intended audience I think (with some overlap of course) but even though it’s not quite the same as a P5 or P6, it definitely stands on its own. It sounds squarely in the Prophet territory of sound, and has excellent features for a decent price. Thing is, I’ve been seeing people put down the sound. I find that silly. You know personal taste can come into this to a degree, but it sounds like a Prophet. Maybe people comparing these are really looking for something different? Oh well. I’m sure it will still sell like Dave’s own brand of hot cakes. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe my ears are finally broken or something, but this is an excellent sounding analog. I think it needs more keys though.


This is by far the best Synth I have ever heard (never heard a p5 or p6. Had a rev2 loved it and still love it but does not sound this nice).

I don’t hear many people talking about the effects but these are a massive step up from the rev2. Not only usable but really great sounding and even improve on the already rich gorgeous tone from the synth. The ring mod, the chorus, the tape delay, even the phaser are all beautiful. The distortion effect is even really great, just a different flavor to add to the analog distortion. The reverb kills. I was blown away when I turned it almost full wet and cranked the damp a little. Just an extremely gorgeous synth. Has no business being that price, aside from maybe the voice count and lack of modulation, but then again the more expensive prophets have the same mod capabilities

I only wish I had a 3rd envelope that looped. No other complaints. Better than I expected, and I had high hopes. At first I was disappointed that it wasn’t a straight up poly version of the Pro 3 but I didn’t realize it was going to be its own new flavor of mind blowing sweet silky but deep and gritty at the same time. I am in love

Beats the shit out of the hydrasynth, peak, the rev2, the digitone, the a4, the medusa, any other synth I’ve owned in terms of timbre and sheer beauty


I think it is a stellar-sounding synth. It really does that raw prophet thing well, and can be a bit punchy. the filter is great. Even though it is not called a “Prophet”, it is more Prophet to me than the Prophet 08/Rev 2. (Don’t @ me people, this is just a personal opinion as I used to own a Rev 2). The filter drive knob is pretty subtle, almost adds compression when cranked and kind tones down the resonance, so good for keeping resonance in check on wilder sounds. It is easy to program, and with the 16 slot mod matrix and all the destinations, it really is like a toolbox of sound design. The FX are nice, and the arp is fun to jam on.

I think the build quality is great. The knobs may not be the sexiest, but the filter knob is one of my favorites I have ever used. It has a great shape and feel for a filter knob. And all the knobs have a slight resistance to them that feels nice. I really do think it is an awesome synth for the price.

Now for the bad. Mine is going back. On 4 out of the 5 voices, I am getting some sort of bleed issue. When dialed in to sine wave, which is the wave shape knob full to the left, I can’t get a clean sine on 4 of the 5 voices. It sounds like a buzzing or maybe bleed from the sub-oscillator. And I verified this with a “basic patch”, and ensuring that the mod wheel was down, not mods, filter wide open, etc. This synth uses round robin voice allocation, so I just tap through the voices, and sure enough, 4 out of 5 of them buzz, and only one gets a clean sine wave. I just think I have bad luck with early batch Sequential stuff.


I did you manage this? Were you able to listen to some Presets without the bleeding?

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I mostly noticed the issue using the sine wave. I was able to dial in patches where it wasn’t noticeable. It seems like it is a bleed, but it could also be that somehow the knob just wasn’t able to go down far enough, if that makes any sense, and it was still catching some of the saw wave in there because it is a variable wave shaper. Although, it is odd that it was on 4 of the 5 voices. So that to me seems like separate voice issues.

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are you exchanging it or getting a refund? is there any indication from sequential that it’s an issue on their side?


I only worked with the shop I bought it from and sent then an audio clip of the issue. They agreed there was an issue and sent me a return label. I do want another one, but I am on the fence about getting one now or waiting a bit to see.

Actually, it would be interesting to see if any T5 owners here have had this issue, or if maybe I just got a lemon. If any owners here get a chance, just check your pure sine waves and let me know what you find.

yeah, it would be good to see if that can be replicated. the take 5 is on my list (for someday).

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I think this synth looks and sounds brilliant. An analogue poly with a mod matrix and that gorgeous prophet 5 filter… wow. And affordable too. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

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oh did they make a version with the prophet 5 filter in it too?

It has the SSM filter doesn’t it? I may be wrong… it sounds ace anyway.

my t5 doesn’t

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