Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

  • Four-pole, resonant, low-pass filter per voice, based on Prophet-5 Rev 4 design
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I agree with this.

That’s unfortunate about your voice bleed issue. I can’t think of a better synth for under $2500, by a large margin

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it’s based on the filter, but yeah it’s a nice synth, the only thing I don’t like is the overdrive and the look

It’s probably the SSI2140 which is based on the SSM version, but a little nicer. (in modern tech sense) One can also build an SSM2040 style filter very well with the SSI2164 quad VCA chip. Those are the two methods that would be employed in the Take 5.

There are others. The Prophet 6 uses a discrete architecture version, and one could do it using OTA ICs like the LM13700.

I’d be willing to bet the T5 is SSI2140 based. (The best option IMO)

Sequential confirmed that the T5 uses the SSI 2140 Filter chip, which is Rev 1/2 chip from the P5R4, & the VCO is SSI 2130, which is a newer VCO.


there are many variables

it will be interesting where the consensus puts this topic to rest at as the topic has gone from it doesn’t sound as good as repro (my personal fav :wink:) to, it’s a cheap prophet to , no way it’s not a cheap prophet to , it’s something totally different and if you’re looking for a cheap prophet then you’re looking in the wrong place to , it’s a much more modern sounding synth to, no it’s deeper and better than an actual prophet to, I can make all my prophet sounds on the take 5 to and yeah it sounds just like my prophet 5/10 (but I’m not selling them) to , Huh

my money is on either the take 5 is something new and refreshing and not a prophet camp, or the take 5 sounds just like my prophet camp :grimacing:

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Tsh, well thanks for bringing me up to speed. I’m convinced it’s a Dave Smith Synth, and I’m sure that’s profit enough either way. (I’m currently in the camp of swinging at the fence for an OB-6), Though I do like what I’ve heard and it’s cheaper. But I still think I’ll just wait.

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I figured as much, but hadn’t seen one way or the other. The 2130 for the VCO is also a great choice. It’s more or less the pinnacle of analog VCO tech right now. Too bad they didn’t include analog TZ FM.

IMO using vintage ICs is kind of silly. Use modern ICs, and if you want vintage, just use a proper algorithm to offset voice parameters as has been detailed in various places, videos, etc. (voice variation though, rather than oscillator slop)

Or, go discrete.

The T5 short of my perception of its aesthetic is more or less the perfect modern analog. I wish they’d make a Prophet Rev3 with 16 voices of SSI goodness.


I really dig the sound of the 2130’s. They have a nice cutting buzzy-ness to them, but can get a little round as well. I also wish they would have included the TZ FM. And they aren’t as weighty as say the P6 VCO’s, but those are also discrete. Overall I think it was a nice choice for a modern VCO. And on the filter chip, they included the bass compensation circuit, not found on the P5, and it retains some beef when the resonance is in use.


I think the Take 5 sounds very, very good. If you’ve got a bunch of hardware synths already, this one might not be for you. But no matter how I look at it, the Take 5 is clearly the current best first choice if you’re looking to buy a versatile analog synth that can do it all. I’ve got synths I like more for bass, pads, and leads, but I’ve got no one synth that can do all of them this well.


Jay, nice jam. Does your panel flex like crazy when pressed on in the middle right at the keys like I saw in the GeoSynths video? Just wondering. Either way, sounds great and what a nice synth!

edit: had the wrong creator

I, uh, haven’t tried pressing on the panel with any force. I’ll give it a gentle go later. For what it’s worth, I don’t feel anything when using the knobs around centre (e.g. mixer or filter). The build feels quite solid overall. And thanks!

Here’s where it shows in the video, doesn’t look like it takes much force at all:

Probably nothing to worry about but I would think there would be some support there… thought maybe his was just missing a standoff or something that was meant to be installed.

Wow, that’s really “floppy”! One sec… Yep, mine is roughly the same, maybe less so (hard to tell how hard Jamie’s pressing). But it doesn’t seem to bend the metal at all, only move the whole thing inward.

I’m not sure I would have noticed this otherwise, so maybe take that as an indicator. Like I mentioned, the whole thing feels pretty solid, especially as compared to some of the modern Korg offerings.


Totally, no worries, just wondering. Not ideal at the price point but not the end of the world. I guess you’re referring to the Wavestate and siblings? Because even a Monologue is much more solid than that, haven’t used the latest Korg models.

I wish I didn’t have so many other synths because I’m finding the Take 5 to be more and more appealing by the day.

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flexing is better than breaking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol uh I sure I guess, not quite sure what that means in this context. Do most synths break instead of flex with a little pressure on the panel? Not in my experience.

It’s been a while since I had the Minilogue, but I remember it feeling quite a bit cheaper and more unpleasant than the Take 5 feels. I’ve never had a Monologue, so I can’t speak on it. Everything from the resistance on the knobs to the keybed to the weight of the unit and so on feels better on the Take 5 than the Minilogue/Wavestate/etc.

And for what it’s worth, the Take 5 is the kind of synth you could get if you wanted to reduce your collection. It’s surprisingly decent for bass, not Minitaur good, but way better than any other poly I’ve played. I think it’s great for pads, as you might be able to tell. And with the filter (and high-pass filter effect) and drives, it does some great leads too. Plus its on-board effects are better than the previous Sequential units I had (e.g. the OB-6).

All the best!


When I had mine here I gave it the flex test. I had go give it some good pressure to get it to flex. If no one would have mentioned it, I would not have noticed. It didn’t flex when in use, only when trying to get it to flex. I felt the build quality was very good overall.