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I can’t wait to pair it with the Microcosm.

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sounds like an adventurous pairing for winter lock-in. looking forward to your upload. Congrats.

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So seems like Waldorf Quantum is a kind of “reincarnation” of Wave but with modern sound and more and more memory.

Also resonator synthesis, it lacks additive - not yet, but includes fm engine…

Sound of convertors and filters is very different of course…

Have you heard quantum in person?

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10 000$, really!?

In the description, it says :

There are a couple marker spots on the body. I haven’t tried to clean them off but I’m sure they will come off if cleaned properly.


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The Quantum is very much the descendent of the Wave and as such has piqued my interest. However, living on a farm in rural Kansas, I am not likely to ever hear one in person. I would love to, though. I have many times considered buying either a Quantum or an Iridium, but I have no idea where I’d put either… :thinking:


I’ve had a chance to spend a few hours with Quantum in Berlin few years ago. Among all other good things I can say it sounds much more “present”, powerful and “into face” in person than I imagined before by listening to demos. On the list : ) even despite I enjoy wavetable / granular and other exotic synthesis engines in the computer.

I guess it a serious privilege to be in rural environment, especially nowadays ; )


This my dog. His name is Oska, he’s a rescue with the diabetes. He likes hikes and can catch flies with his reflexes.


I wanna rub his belly!


It really is. It has some drawbacks (flaky electricity, poor internet access, and if your car breaks down it can be a real nightmare), but it is so, so worth it. I have always been… “non-social”, so it suits me well.


Really digging it. Been wanting to just find some different tunes lately and this is a nice “break” from my usual. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Thanks! I did get an hour at the end of the day.

Sorry to hear of your family troubles. I hope you get chance to decompress over the weekend.

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You‘ll be delighted. I was playing with my Sansula Basic kalimba which sounds magical by itself already (and even better with the Microcosm) and I just ordered another one by the same brand that has a proper output to send the signal easier into my FX instead of having to use a microphone.


Gamechanger Audio Light Pedal :


New Pedals on a budget from IK Multimedia / Amplitube


Amazing chill DnB track from the 90s:

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Must’ve seen this the same time as you and had the same thought of uploading it here. Then my kid pooped lol… anyway…… Hellacool!

Those look doooope… hopefully sound as good as Strymon and Eventide.

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