Share your NOT electronic music

…and…a new one :smiley:


Seven years ago i made this, but it has never been “released”.
I’m supposed to do a follow up…
So this is my attempt at making jazz…sort of.


Superb, thanks for sharing, love the video too

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Solo Archtop recording. My guitar habit slightly edged my electronic one.


I play bass in Isolation Tank Ensemble and we just released this live version of our song “Hark The Herald Air Raid Sirens Sing!” as our 2022 NPR Tiny Desk submission. I don’t see them picking us because we are too heavy for NPR. We recorded a total of 4 songs which we will be releasing as a live EP on March 18th. Those will also be available on YouTube.

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Really enjoyed that. Cheers

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Awesome. I’ll buy when I’m at my computer.

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I forgot to share here, but we released a full length album with my beloved “Ensemb7e” a few weeks ago.


Thanks a lot !! Really appreciate it.
Now i have to start working on Vol.2 !

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This is so good, dude. Well done!

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Those vocal lines are insanely cool! Very nice!!

Here goes nothing!

We’re “imposter.” a band based in La Réunion and we’ve been composing with Elektron Boxes for about a year now. It’s me with the boxes, a guitarist and a singer. Sounds a bit like late Depeche Mode I guess?

Here’s our first demo, recorded while rehearsing.

Don’t know if it’s the place to nerd out on how I got the boxes to do this and that, but happy to chat about it!


Ps: Feels surreal to post in the same thread as Chapelier Fou


Thanks so much!

When not playing on the machines I’m all about resonator slide guitar!

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I enjoy making metal/rock as much as electronic music, this is my latest one this direction.

Ibanez RG Drop C, and Omega Granophyre VST for the tones. Also recorded bass which is always a little struggle lol.


Finally got round to buying this. Very cool.

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Enjoyed that. Partial to slide myself.


Many thanks !!

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Cool track. Picks up at just the right time, nice arc to it. I also liked the drums a lot. Complex but not getting in the way of the song.

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