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This is my new go-to excuse.

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Love the mix of colours in these.

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We are south Chania district, Samaria is our backyard :ok_hand:t2:

Wow! I live in a truly wonderful place (Tuscany is) but Greece has always been my second choice. I would love to be there when I’m older. I miss the sea in Arezzo

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I’ve hiked those gorges twice…

Better late than never but @Leo-iSL are you in E17? I know your 1st pic could be anywhere in the UK or London but it looks very familiar.

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Good eye. I’m in E11.

Man, I was really hoping for rain last night (in Az as well) but all those clouds brought was a hot breeze that felt like I was in an oven. Still a great view!

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Tom Waits describles them as being the color of Pepto-Bismol.


Denver huh, that explains the mountains in the background. Denver is cool, almost moved there. Denver’s downtown is probably one of the cleanest downtowns I’d ever been to.

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Damn, I know my East London skylines! Cheers

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The pink got lost in the photo :frowning:
It was really 80s album cover pink.


Car window :wink:
Had my afternoon dip for the day


Ahh I miss Colorado :confused:
Lived there many years on and off like 4-5 separate times. It’ll always be one of my favorite places ever.

Still own a few acres of land outside of Idaho Springs. Nothing on it except a tiny gold mine from the 1950’s. Its up a gorge, hard to get to it, and has almost no flat space. I always dream of building something there some day. Some dude let me make payments over a few years to buy it.


Nuremberg / Germany
That’s the TV tower straight from the studio.
Someone from the city here on the forum, too?


Nice to see my hometown… was born and used to live there until I moved to Zurich, Switzerland

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That’s a really interesting story haha. I hope you figure something out with that plot of land!



Zooming for clues :thinking: