Skateboarding thread

I didnt see freedom wig until the youtube era but I still have the vhs copy of fulfill the dream i got for christmas the year it came out.

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Werd to that! Sadly, I’m older. I gotta make sure I don’t break a hip getting back into shape. :rofl::sob:

But walking, then cycling is a great low impact way to get those limbs werking again. STRETCHES! I have a stretch routine I’ve done for the last 30 years that keeps me good. I can post it up if interested. Tailored for snow/skate/surf


Post that, I’m terrible at regular stretching!

Edit: please and thank you!

I’m def having the same feels like I’m skating in weights thing. Took a gnarly slam last summer and put on quite a few(for me) pandemic pounds since. Not feeling good on my board is a serious motivation killer for me too which isnt helping me get it back. Been trying to take my board to work and just get 20 min of flatground in on my lunches so I’m on my board every day.

Still listen to Hokus Pokus soundtrack now and then

SHIIIIIIIIT…i was looking to pull the old Powell vids, Bones Brigade Video Show, Future Primitive, Animal Chin and Public Domain…but I guess with all the moving over the years…I chucked em as part of downsizing :frowning: . all VHS. prob will buy the first two on DVD or I think they are digital now. bummer.

here’s the stretches. do what you can. Id like to think that because I’ve been doing these for so long, that they are the reason I can still go palms on the floor when doing the "touch your toes’ stretch.


or… give up on being hardcore. just be super stylish. :sunglasses:


Those are 2 legendary videos right there

Thank you!

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best thing i’ve seen in a while.

there is a skateboard link

skateboarding taught me it was ok be fucked up and to say fuck you

happy friday

edit: how the fuck do i embed an video. it’s driving me crazy…

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I saw Suicidal right after this song came out…They played institutionalized for like 20 mins. Extended disco version. By the end of it, I think the police were out in front of the place and people were trying to tear down the building. That was some powerful music. Dick Wolf version rules.


i just googled dick wolf. i find this article confusing:

That might have to do with the Black Lives Matter protests. It does seem vague tho.

If you don’t know it already this is an Instagram of our old images:


I loved RAD, down to easons each month to pick it up in the hope that this months may have a free sticker :slight_smile:


Thanks. :heart: Think we were one of the first magazines to do the cover mount thing with skate stickers. We have an online store too where you can still get the stickers and other RAD merchandise. We also do high quality photography prints of images from the mag. Just google read and destroy archive and it should appear.


I used to buy the magazine when it was called BMX Action Bike… I remember the transition over to R.A.D … The logo was small on the front cover then finally took over… With FREE sticker!

Get this. We used to pool our money together to buy the mag .(75p was it in '87?!) and whoever put the most money in got the sticker :grinning:
My mate even went as far as sending off for that zine advertised in the back - ‘Skate Muties from the 5th Dimension’ … Brilliant… the crew from Bristol wasn’t it?

I wish I kept all the old magazines… They’d be worth a fortune to me now.


Remember when Big Brother magazine came out :slight_smile: :grimacing:


:laughing: Yes I do.

so do i. one of the first things i ever scanned:

Edit: (this is a big brother article)

I bumped into Steve Rocco on the beach once - I had to say hello. I told him he was a big influence on me. He ask how so? I thought for a second, then replied shenanigans… and drinking.