Skateboarding thread

Yeah, lovely bloke and incredible skateboarder! I’ve known Danny Wainwright for a while and they were old team mates on Powell and really good friends, and he always had great things to say about Jon.

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Lately I’ve been watching old D Way footage on youTube.
SHEESH, even at 13-14 he was attacking the vert ramp ferociously.

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I’m 51 and would still be skating regularly, except for a torn and folded meniscus in my knee. Tore it a few moths ago and then folded it a few weeks later, when I thought my knee was recovered. Definitely more of a skate nerd than a synth nerd, although that is slowly changing!

This is from probably 4 or 5 years ago…

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Of course…but is logged as Boneless

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I bought a board two years ago on my 32nd birthday, but only used it once on that day. I skated religiously from 14-22 but quit after a broken arm and having to maintain full use of my arms for a day job.

Finally got it out the past couple days to cruise around the block and what a fantastic rush. This time I’m helmeted and wrist-padded up, looking like the huge old-man skater nerd I am. Thanks Andy Anderson for being one of the first street skaters I know of to tackle that anti-helmet mentality in pro skating.

Any current or former skaters and video gamers playing Session? I’ve been loving it and it’s what gave me the push to get back out there, just like the original THPS games.


getting into polarizers lately


I keep threatening to get back on a board. I skated for about 40 years…broke everything, some bones twice. Whether on my skate or snowboard.

But everything I get the stones to start rolling again I remember my last year on my board when I broke my wrist and then later a finger…and how long it took to heal this time.

The mind is ready, but the body isn’t what it used to be. And as much as I love love LOVE skating, I can’t risk fucking myself up again. I love golf too much. Something I’ve played for about 45 years…my first sporting love.

Of the board sports, the one I will continue with is surfing. Skating and snowboarding fucked me HARD. it was worth it, but I’m paying the price now.

[unless it’s a snowboard heli trip or euro or Japan powder trip. Heli is the shit!]

Note: Mammoth is out of control right now 17’…FEET of snow and more to come. :exploding_head:


Yeah, admittedly I shouldn’t be risking it and it may be naive to think wrist guards will actually help me all that much, but it was always ramps or gaps that caused the problems. I skated flatground for years without any issues.

The only trick I really want to learn is no complys. I always loved how they looked but never got around to learning them.

I totally understand the mind being ready though, I have recurring skateboarding dreams and have missed it so much.

I was street or bowl only. Skated half a couple times. The last time on half, I broke my foot off. My foot was literally hanging off. It was so bizarre looking.
The plate is still in my leg. That break was 88-89. And it hurts like hell the first few days out snowboarding…still. Have to break it in every year

I still managed to break everything street skating tho. Just not as gross as my half break.

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My injuries were “swan neck” arm breaks and a big ol’ sprained ankle. That foot injury is disgustingly gnarly sounding - how did that even happen?

I did see a post in the OldSkaters subreddit from a guy who started skating again and fell on his face hard just cruising around, so I know it can happen, but I do feel pretty confident just rolling around the neighborhood street here.

You’re starting to scare me off of it though! Haha.

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First half pipe I jump on was this 14’ steel ramp. Had 3’ vert. There was no way I could drop in on that monster. So I was just pumping, I got to the coping eventually, skating ramp with a street deck. My trucks were way loose. Being tired I got over taken by a speed wobble. Back foot came off and I fell backwards, folding my ankle. Foot stayed planted and I just bent my leg about 4” above my ankle. My buddies thought I broke my board from the snap. Board looked fine. My leg…:grimacing:

Just be careful man. You gotta get the awareness back. I used to roll to werk. Super fun, but one morning, rolling under some scaffolding, dudes left a hose going across the sidewalk, and it was RIGHT in line with a pipes shadow. Hit that, went down broke my ring finger. Hard to werk that day [3d animator, mouse hand]…folded my finger back and splinted it with two plastic knives :grimacing:

Anyone else think that Shackle Me Not is the best skate video ever???

Introduced me to fIREHOSE as well. Hey captain!


It’s a good one, but I can’t not put Bones Brigade Video Show first. It’s just fun. When skating was accessible. Before it all got so complex and out of reach.

But it’s definitely a good one.

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I grew up on those and still have the first one which I probably watched more than Shackle Me Not. The Per Wendler segment still amazes.

When I stopped skating I could land like 1 ollie impossible out of 5 probably due to Shackle Me Not.

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I finally started getting back on my board after my 2020 back annihilation, but I somehow injured my rotator cuff (not skateboarding, don’t know how I did it) and now I’m doing physical therapy and waiting that out so I don’t make that injury worse. I think I need to put some serious time into getting back into shape in general if I want to get back on my board, but man do I want to go do a wallride right now.


Video Days is up there.

Oh and….Rodney Vs Daewon too

AND….Almost: Cheese & Crackers. The Chris Haslam stuff is insane. Out of reach, but insane.


Not sure I ever saw that one will look it up. Hocus Pokus was great too. How are the videos these days? I sometimes see these Frog skateboard kids (I don’t mean they are French that’s the name of some new skateboard company apparently) filming in my hood.

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I was in Whistler when they were filming Snowboarders in Exile. And when Greg Stump was doing some of his wind lip shots for one of his movies with the Flamingo Crew. I did a couple mctwists trying to get my ass in his movie. No such luck.

But I used to ride with Craig Kelly for a bit when he’d come to Whis. I was a low level rider for Burton. So got to ride with some of the big dogs. But i hung out with Craig when he came out. Fun.

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