
I just wait til I need to lay some cable, take the snacks with, no time lost for making fire beats that way, plus it fits nicely with my one out one in rule. Usually a tunnocks, but sometimes a wagon wheel.


Tunnocks are cool. Most underrated.

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Pretty Hot And Tempting … PHAT

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Borderline harassment.

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I cant drink anymore, it causes a bunch of my nerves to over activate, im not against drinking, but since this weird health thing has started ive had to look at alcohol really closely. Like when nerves that arent supposed to really feel things internally are getting inflamed from a shot of vodka, one has to consider that its not just me that has damagedone from just a shot, but it is me that feels it whene others dont. so now im very concerned about alcohol in general in the general population. like is it really causing insane amounts of damage in all of us.

I cant stand grease on my tools. I hate fingerprint profiling.


I just find that even if ur not eating snacks and not wearing little cotton white gloves to use your synths constantly, the things are gonna wear down.


Try using a boxing glove on the Elektrons. Thats a challenge

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if you smoke above your synths, eat crisps etc. they wear down in a fraction.

… haven’t noticed anything wearing down on my Elektrons or other expensive devices that are built to last.

I only eat stuff with a spoon when making music – like some cereals and be super cautious to not spill anything.

Scampi fries are notoriously bad for making your keyboards stink.


Proper snackers don’t make crumbs.

Amateurs and toddlers make crumbs.


You always lick your fingers, right? :sweat_smile:

No, the dogs do.


I’m a big fan of Japanese snacks, happy butter flavor is pretty great.

images (4)

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They also happen to be THE BEST snacks known to man.





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I really like Saya Endo chips for Japanese snacks! That or pizza chips.

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If wine is a snack…i snack


I have tried so, so hard to enjoy these.

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