So, what do you do?

Enterprise architect. Don’t ask.


Fantagraphics has some great books! Hopefully you get a decent discount!

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Bartender. Pre-pandemic I definitely wanted to own my own bar one day. Now, not so much. I’d be more than happy to get out of the service industry at this point. I also swore off office jobs years ago and won’t backpedal on that, so…


Pre pandemic era I used to be an art educator and archaeological illustrator. Now I do the loader at the airport.


I am a self isolated covid infect.


Fantagraphics sounds like a rad job!!

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It’s the greatest thing for me. One of the leading reasons I thought Seattle was cool when I moved here back in ‘97. And in reply to @chvad the discount situation is excellent and one of the leading reasons I love this job in spite of the wage being minimum.

That’s great to hear! Always nice when the perks are solid!

I started as assistant preparator at a contemporary sculpture park / museum on Monday. Helping set up exhibits and coordinating with artists to get their works installed properly. We built some shelves today, it was great. pre-pandemic I was burnt out working as a motion graphics artist, I’m so happy to be out from behind a desk and making stuff in the real world.


Retired Army Communications Lineman.

Hurt myself on the job which landed me an early retirement, and a good amount of daily aches and pains. I feel lucky though, it could have been a lot worse in that line of work.


Just hit my first year as a Cemetery Grounds Maintenance crew member after 25 years or so in the restaurant industry.
I posted a ways back up there when I first got the job so I thought I’d check in as it’s been a year…
It’s fucking great. I love it. Being too close to peoples grief can be a little hard at times, but feeling that and recognizing it makes me feel very in tune with life death human condition and makes me feel very alive. I’m in great physical shape from all the heavy lifting. There are sacred aspects to being the people who bury people.
It also sucks.
Digging a hole at the bottom of a very steep hill in 36 degrees and raining is not fun at all, nor when the ground is frozen.
Decomposition is rather gross, but it’s all part of the process, right?
I plan on hanging out in this cemetery for quite some time… we have plenty of real estate , so the job should stay busy for quite some time.


Thank you for your service.


:rofl: That’s seriously funny and morbid at the same time.

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Damn! Everyone’s got such fancy jobs! Hope they as well as they sound they would.
Me, i was a waiter in restaurants for years, in school and in university. Then i studied photography at uni but then i got really depressed and dropped out, as i realised that the arts world would not be for me.
Then i went backpacking in western europe for 2 years and did odd jobs here and there like vintage gathering and gardening and construction. Then came back to my og hometown to start working as a dry wall construction worker, and thats already been for 2 years. Damn!


building dry walls is hard, but it’s useful (and I understand there is a demand for this skill). Printing your own tshirts (my work) is cool but it’s even cooler to build your own house :slight_smile:

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One of my graffiti crewmates prints t shirts and other wear, and just recently his brand started giving actual returns. In the begining i was helping with photos and promotion occasionally. It was fun for sure! Half my clothes are his designs!! And most i got for free!


I’m finishing a MSc in Applied Mathematics right now, modeling modified guitar soundboards.

I’ll pursue a PhD in music related stuffs. I’m really interested in software development of music technology, so if someone knows somebody in Music Technology at NYU orat the CCRMA in Stanford It’d very helpful for me to talk about what’s going on there.


You’re at Riverview right? If so, you work in a wonderful place. I am right across the bridge in Sellwood.

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Thank you.