Solid State Logic six compact mixer

I’ve been downsizing my setup for a house move and it has had a bit of a silver lining. Previously I had two octatracks with pulsar and Modor running into each. Then 4 channels from OTs into mastersounds mixer.
Now I’m running pulsar, Modor and one OT into the Six, with send to reverb pedal and a send into OT from SIX. The drum machines sound better to me going to Six than into OT.


Hello Sixers,

In the manual it recommends setting the Monitor Out knob fully clockwise for sending a signal to a recording source, in order to achieve ‘Unity Gain’.

I didn’t clock that for time that I’ve had it and have been recording with the knob at 12 O’ Clock.

Am I right in thinking that fully clockwise (Unity Gain) is best for the clearest recordings?

I’m wondering if I’ve been missing out on something important…

I’ve not got a six anymore, but wouldn’t you use the “Main Out” to send to record? Then the Monitor out would surly just effect the monitors attached to the monitor out? Maybe I’m missing something?

I was originally going to do that but then there was something off with my recording device picking up the XLR input.

Then I read in the manual about recording a live PA, with the Main Out going to the house speakers and the Monitor Out used for sending a record feed.

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Did the device except balanced line levels?

Well, yes, if you’re doing it this way then the monitor knob would need to be fully open to not attenuate the output I guess. But I’d have thought you would end up at the same volume as the main out anyway, so maybe that’s not what you want.

When you say “something was off with my recordings”, what was the problem with them?

The recording device (pictured) just wasn’t receiving any signal through the XLR inputs, though it does receive 1/4 inch jack inputs. I fiddled around for some time and then gave up, using the Monitor Output instead.

I might have a re-fiddle though. It might be one of those problems where I was missing something really obvious that I notice a year later.

Was that XLR to XLR? I wonder if you went XLR to TRS if it would work. I’d say it’s the recorder at fault/needs settings changed. Maybe it sees the XLR and thinks it’s a mic. Clutching at straws here lol.

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That was my hunch (the mic thing).

I was going XLR to XLR, yes.
I might invest in an XLR to TRS to be sure.

You’re pointers are appreciated :slight_smile:


FYI: Decksaver released for the SiX. I’m sure it would look better than the pillow case I’m currently using.


With the front panel jacks, I figured it would be a funny-looking case. I was not disappointed. For $100 though, I’ll stick with my current solution, which is not too far from a pillow case, hehe.


Are the cables supposed to fit out the back there? I have a hard-shell case if I need to transport mine, I think I’ll keep using a hand towel to protect from dust in the studio.

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I can’t tell, looks like an overhang with very little clearance. No mention on their site. I have an 8-jack cable snake and I’m not sure it’d fit through the back if it is indeed a pass-through.

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So I’m a little late to the party but have a Six coming courtesy of @Struggle… pretty stoked on it. My SSL2+ will continue to be my interface as I tend to record one stereo track at a time.

I think I have most of the input routing figured out (supplemented by a patchbay/submixer) but have some questions concerning best practices for outputs. I have a pedal chain (Polymoon/Mercury7/BigSky) to route to that would be coming back on Ext 1, and I want to also have any channel be able to be sent to my SP-16 for stereo sampling. Which set of outs is ideal for each? I have Cue 1 & 2 plus MixB available, and the ones on the DB25’s (Main insert already spoken for…)

Any opinions appreciated :slight_smile:


Congrats man!

I am in no way a mixer guy but this is how I have my similar routing.

Cue 1 = Mercury7 - Ext in 1
Cue 2 = SP-404SX (FX) - Ext in 2
Mix B out to sampler (SP-404MKII at the moment).


I typically put fx chains and tape on the cue sends.


For FX send I would use ST Cue 1. For samplers you could use ST Cue 2 or Bus B. The difference being that Bus B mutes from the main mix, so depending on what you are monitoring, etc, one may be better than the other. For instance if you ran out to a sampler, but the samper was run back through a channel, or EXT 2, then you might want to use Bus B to pull it from the main mix. It would depend on your use case.



Only issue is if you want to sample the source WITH your FX You’ll not get those on the Bus B. The Dsubs give you another Main output I think, so you’ll need to use those if you want the FX on the sample and no re-cabling - then make sure monitoring isn’t on on the SP-16 I guess…


This may be a dumb question but is there a way to mute the main outs?

you could turn the “Main” off in the monitoring section I guess… My brains still a mess from all the heat over last few days - so not sure how that would help or not.

"Cut’ mutes, “Dim” drops volume according to the Dim knob.