Solid State Logic six compact mixer

Thanks all for the suggestions!

@brucegill I hadn’t thought about sampling with those fx… that might come in handy occasionally.

So I’m thinking Cue 1 to the fx chain and the extra main outs to the SP-16…

I also have a Spectralis coming that could utilize the Cue 2 outs to it’s filterbank inputs. So many routing options that aren’t initially apparent!


I sometimes need to turn off the monitors to record with a mic through the SiX. Would be great to mute them instead.

yeah, its crazy how many things you can do when you think about it.

I think the main & channel insert sends are always live - so thats another two options for sending stuff out.

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ahhh, got ya. Just press the “Main” button in the “Mon Source” section :slight_smile: Job done.

this one:


I have a RML Jekyll n Hyde Serpa that I record a lot (like maybe 50%) of individual tracks through… I’ll have that on the Main insert. Really cool that you can switch it in and out too.


Excellent, thank you!

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Another option would be to return the FX into a stereo in and return the SP-16 on EXT1/2 (that’s how my Blackbox sampling is setup: input from BusB, returns to EXT1. Set to monitor incoming audio. Can be easily muted/removed from MAINS with the switches)

Lots of options with the little beast :slight_smile:


I messed with this last night and the main switch will turn off the 1/4th stereo main mons. However the XLR main outs still have audio. After reading the manual I’m guessing I am going about this wrong and should be using the main mon for my monitors?

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Yes, I think you have that right. That’s how I have mine, though I’m not sure there’s a right and a wrong way - just what works for you. I had always assumed main out were for recording and main mon is for, well, monitoring. It all makes more sense that way - so you can then monitor bus b but not have bus b going to the main out.


Thanks, @brucegill Off to buy more cables!

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Haha. Story of my life.

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Yep, this will give you all the wonderful flexibility of the monitor section! A common use for the XLR mains would be to go to a recording device/DAW.

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Thanks @Affectionate-Bee-781

I was using the main mon to my field recorder as I don’t have a DAW for recording. I guess I can swap that over to alt mon when I’m ready to hit record.

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It’s basically Inception. That Monitor section is the next layer of the dream. You can still run your Main channel how you were before, but then…just click the “main” button on the monitor control to bring it into the monitor section, and next thing you know you are Leonardo DiCaprio.


Alt monitor would mute the main monitors, probably not what you’re looking for? Sounds like you have it worked out the best for now until you get those new cables (XLR to 1/4").

And yeah, once you start using the monitor outs for monitoring then the monitor section really shines


Apologize for all the questions!

Is it possible to use mono outboard effects through the cues?

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The cue outputs are always stereo. I’ve just sent one side (e.g. Left) to my mono FX before but you would technically be missing some of the stereo image if you sent a stereo channel
(e.g. hi hats panned right on channels 3/4 would not go to the FX if only a cable is plugged into the left output).

I’m sure “they” make a dual 1/4" to single 1/4" cable that will sum your signal to mono, probably the best option! No problem returning a mono FX to a stereo channel … the SiX will treat it like mono and center it. Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it seems like a stereo to mono summing cable would work.

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The cue sends on each channel have a stereo field. So, you could, have 2 separate mono effects on cue L and R.


Joined the club. How badass is the case for this thing?